English For Fun - kreativní angličtina online!

Školy jsou zavřené. I ty jazykové! Ale pro učitelku, která srší energií, neexistuje rozdíl mezi prezenční a online výukou! Podpořte nás prosím a vyzkoušejte si to na vlastní kůži! Vouchery můžete zakoupit pro sebe, pro své zaměstnance, i pro své blízké.

Author: ArtSpiritJoy

Do you also teach children?

Yes, but for the time being I prefer working with teenagers, starting from 15. From 2019 I have focused on teaching adults mainly. There is a possibility to start with the children groups again from September 2020 in Ostrava.

Do you teach companies?

Yes, actually more than 80% of my activity has been focused on corporate English in the last year.

Do you teach groups?

Considering the online sessions, I suggest to start individually, and then maybe expand to 2 people. Maybe for advanced people the group could grow up to 3 people.

What levels do you teach?

I teach all levels, ideally from Pre-Intermediate to Proficiency, meaning A2-C2.

Do you teach grammar?

Yes, I am taking grammar quite seriously.

Do you speak Czech?

Yes, but very little, just enough to amuse you.

Do you use textbooks?

Not much. I usually customise the lesson according to what my client wants and needs. I select whatever I find relevant. I rely on many online resources, but I also like making the lesson from the scratch myself. The books I usually select relevant units from are Business English books.

What are your teaching methods?

I use a variety of methods. Most of them are direct, organic, like normal conversation about daily matters, our passions, dreams, etc. In the first 10 lessons I usually tackle the basic topics: food, clothes, travelling, etc. I always take into account the method which works best for each individual. Some people are visual, some people feel very happy having many grammar exercises as their homework, as this is giving them a sense of fulfillment. Some people love short animations or videos as the perfect trigger for a conversation, or as a base for an essay. I discuss with my clients from the very beginning and we make up a long term study plan. I also like the indirect method, trying to offer people the opportunity to learn something new, not just improve their English.

Why would one choose you as a teacher?

I have a magic way of making people feel relaxed after just 5 minutes. And then everything gets much easier. The barriers and fears are getting melted.

What best advice would you give to people trying to improve their English?

1. Get yourself to read books in English. Start with your favourite genre. If it is too difficutl, start with self-help books, then detectives, and so on. 2. Join an international online group, hobby based (painting, gardening, pets, etc) where you have the chance to chat with native speakers. 3. If you do not manage, or if you want a faster progress, hire a good, fun, cool teacher.

Do you teach Business English?

Yes, I actually love it!

Do you teach dogs?

Yes! Giraffes are my most favourites, though.

What online platforms are you using?

I mostly rely on Skype, Google Hangout, I even used Facebook Video Call few times, but I am basically open to anything convenient.

EUR 175
pledged of EUR 1,989


8% completed

2 contributors pledged

Antivir, Education

Ostrava, Moravskoslezský kraj, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on May 3, 2020 at 16:10.

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