1000 mil na kole proti obchodu s lidmi!

Tento projekt je pro mě dvojí výzvou: ujet 1000 mil na kole a rozšířit informace o obchodu s lidmi. Spojím tím své dvě vášně – sport a práci pro La Stradu- organizaci, která již více než 15 let pomáhá obětem obchodování s lidmi. English info in FAQ.

How it all began?

Human rights were in the centre of my interests since I started studying law. One of the incentives why I actually began to study at the Faculty of Law was to make sure that law serves people and helps them, not the other way round. Having finished university, I started to work in the human rights area and have stayed there since then. Despite this work being very important and fulfilling, it is at the same time psychically exhausting. Cycling happened to become the only way for me to chill out and relax. I have been taking part in amateur biking races for the 5th year now. However, there was still something missing for me, something that would give biking a deeper sense. In the 1000 miles race, I decided to cycle against human trafficking and to support La Strada. the organisation where I work, and that helps victims of human trafficking. Both activities are a long distance run (or ride, in my case).

Whats our aim?

My aim is to cycle and to finish the race…and at the same time to raise awareness about human trafficking and to raise funds for La Strada activities. By supporting my participation in the race, you will at the same time support La Strada. Finances will be partly used to cover the costs of the race. Most of the funds will directly support La Strada activities.

What is the 1000 miles race?

The 1000 miles race is endurance biking race accross the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The essential condition of the race is to handle the distance by your own. The route is mainly formed by mountaint tracks and paths in the norhtern part of the Czech Republic and in the Slovak mountains. Who´s first in the finnish, wins, no matter how long he or she sleeps, eats or rests. For amateur biking racer like me, this is a challenge. This is not only about physical strength. The race is about moral, patience and a desire to achieve your goal by overcoming any obstacle.

Why do I cycle against human trafficking?

I work in a non-profit organisation called La Strada. We are helping people who became victims of human trafficking. I know that one of the reasons why people become victims of trafficking is the lack of awareness. My job if often similar to a long distance run (or ride) – the main thing is not to let myself be discouraged.

How wide-spread is human trafficking in the world?

World wide estimates of human trafficking are 21 millions of victims (!).

What is La Strada doing?

I work as a lawyer in La Strada, an organisation helping victims of human trafficking. My job is to help people, our clients, who are traumatised by experiences you don´t wish to have. They strived to have a better job, to earn money for their families – they did things we all know – but were abused, deceived, threatened. In La Strada, we work to solve their difficult situation. We provide sheltered acomodation, legal counselling and social services. We also work towards making legislation better and to serve the needs of people.

Why 1000 miles against human trafficking?

Anybody may become a trafficking victim. Abroad, at home, anywhere. Being informed and knowing your rights and possible risks is the most important thing in combating trafficking. For me, this was the reason to start talking about human trafficking also outside my job – on the bike! My goal is also to raise funds for La Strada, an organisation whose work I consider very important.

EUR 638
pledged of EUR 1,993


32% completed

28 contributors pledged

Community, Sport

Czech Republic

All or nothing. Project finished on Jun 14, 2014 at 08:37.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 7

    Za 100 korun a více získáte dobrý pocit z příspěvku na práci organizace, která pomáhá osobám, které byly obětí obchodu s lidmi. Zašleme Vám elektronicky vychytané info materiály a poděkujeme Vám na naší webové stránce.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.99
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 11

    Pošleme Vám poštou náš vychytaný info balíček plný zajímavého čtení a praktických materiálů a poděkujeme na webu.

    Obchod s lidmi je důležité téma. Týká se to nás všech!

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.96
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 6

    Publikaci mapující tématiku obchodu s lidmi, která vznikla pod záštitou naší organizace vám poštou doručíme už od 500 Kč.

    + vychytaný info balíček a poděkování na webu

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.93
    (CZK 500)
  • remaining 7 from 10

    Barevná plechová krabička LOVE BOX s překvapením za podporu od 1000 Kč až k Vám do domu.

    + vychytaný info balíček a poděkování na webu samozřejmostí

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.86
    (CZK 1,000)
  • sold 0

    Vemte si nás na triko! Za 1500 Kč a víc dostanete naše krásné La Strada triko. Velikost si vyberete sami a my Vám ho s vděkem zabalíme a pošleme

    + určitě přibalíme vychytaný info balíček a poděkování na webu

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.78
    (CZK 1,500)
  • sold 0

    Zúčastněte se taky! Opřete se do pedálů na cyklojízdě proti obchodu s lidmi společně s La Stradou.

    + součástí odměny je naše krásné tričko s logem La Strady + vychytaný info balíček a samozřejmě poděkování na naší webové stránce

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.71
    (CZK 2,000)
  • sold 1

    Logo na mém cyklo dresu! Hrdě budu Vaší firmu vozit po celou dobu závodu a kromě toho dáme logo i na všechna naše krásné La Strada triko

    Staňte se našim sponzorem, buďte společensky odpovědní a podpořte boj proti obchodu s lidmi.

    Pozor logo můžeme na dres umístit pouze do 18.5! Tak neváhejte!

    + vychytaný info balíček a poděkování na webu samozřejmostí

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 199.28
    (CZK 5,000)
  • sold 0

    Co říct víc.

    V případě daru v hodnotě 10 000 korun a více získáte veškeré odměny uvedené v předchozích bodech.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 398.57
    (CZK 10,000)