Behind the Arctic Circle using only CNG around 1 000 lakes

Cross the Arctic Circle starting in the middle Europe using only CNG. On our way we would like to take part in the 1 000 Lakes EcoRun competition in Jyväskylä (Finland). We appreciate donation and are going to use it on journey expenses and starting fee.

Author: Marek Tomíšek

EUR 2,069
pledged of EUR 1,993


103% completed

22 contributors pledged

Technology, Sport

Jyväskylä, Finland

All or nothing. Project finished on Jul 22, 2018 at 16:59.

Show all rewards

At the beginning

13 years ago I tried eco driving and one year later me and my cousin (navigator) took part in Škoda EconomyRun competition. The results were bad. The following years were better so in 2010 and 2011 we succeeded in our cathegory and became winners. In 2011 we also took second place in total (consumtion: 2,6 l/100 km, mileage 108 MPG). In 2013 I got a crazy idea: reach the Arctic Circle from Prague using only 2 tanks of fuel (with David). That´s how project Úsporné Expedice/Efficient Expeditions started. We succeeded! And this crazy idea was followed by another one: reach Nordkapp using only 2 tanks of fuel. It´s 500 km more to the north. My new co-driver´s name was Lukáš and we really succeeded again! We would like to continue by this project which connects both: an effitient expedition and also an eco-rally.

Our goal

We plan to set off from the middle Europe and reach the Arctic Circle using only CNG. (BTW Do you know which city lies in the middle of Europe?) You might think it is easy but the most northern CNG station in Finland is in Oul – the infrastructure ends low bellow the Circle. In Poland and in the Baltics there are not also so many CNG stations. When we succeed to cross the Arctic Circle we will try to keep driving as far as possible and have the record registred as offical.

Our Eco Run 1 000 Lakes goal is to represent our Czech history in consumtion competitions. We also want Octavia G-TEC to undergo an extreme test (#ExtremniTestCNG).


Since 2006 we are participating on Škoda EconomyRun competition and last years we added distance effitient expeditions. Last year we hae tried our first abroad consumption competition – EcoRun 1 000 Lakes in Finland. This is an event we would like to participate on again using our last year experience -gravel roads are no common in the Czech Republic. Moreover we plan to take part with Škoda Octavia G-TEC, an ideal car for us, because I have been driven more than 100,000 km with this car. A little disadvantage is we probably must use fuel instead of my favourite CNG. We take part in a few eco rallys this year (#EcoRallyTeamCZ) – you can find more info on this link. This expedition is also a part of a long-term extreme test of Octavia G-TEC (, youtube). If you decide to place your add on our car many people will see it in various reports. Morover this is a taxi (Liftago) so it will bring peoples attention as a racing car while driving in Prague.

Something extra…

This September we would like to take part in (low cost) Škoda EconomyRun with this car and do our best to defend our last-year victory. In cas of collecting a little bit more money we would like to take part also in another Czech eco rally which is a part of a series Czech Trophy in Eco Rally – so your add will definitelly be highly visible.

Who are we?

I (Marek) have studied engineering and I have been into cars since childhood. My studies help me to understand how a car works and how to drive it effectively. Although I have dreamt about racing when I was younger but it somehow turned „wrong“ onto eco „racing“ which I like the most. David studied geography – the best degree for a navigator. :-)

Why do we do it?

Through our effitient journeys we show on the fact how big influence a driver has on the consumption and the emmission. We also point at other effitient power with better emissions. CNG is one of them. It is a very interesting option besides fuel. As well as last year we chose to prepare interesting rewards for you, donators.

Bernard beer in Škoda EconomyRun glass


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 1
    Good Feeling

    You want so give some money and have a good feeling that you supported an interesting project. We will be glad for it! You can leave us a comment.

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.99
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 2
    Travel to the north with us

    There is a limited space in the car but you can join us „travelling on a car“. Don´t worry! We will just put your name on a car as a sticker. Your name will be visible in the photos, videos and reports.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.57
    (CZK 190)
  • sold 1
    Czech chocolate

    Some of the Finnish Škoda EconomyRun racers také chocolate back home and say it's really tasty. For us it tastes kind of normal – may be cause we are used to eating it since childhood. Now you have an opportunity to try if it's so good and also better than common Finnish chocolate. Leave us a comment about what kind of chocolate you like. Only for Finnish donators.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 9.97
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 0
    Taste Finland – Salmiakki

    Only for Czech donators.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.97
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 3
    Beer from Finland

    Only for Czech donators.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 10.76
    (CZK 270)
  • sold 4
    Postcard from the Arctic circle

    Only for Czech donators.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.56
    (CZK 290)
  • remaining 4 from 4
    Czech beer

    Czech beer is world known and everyone loves that. Strong flavor and absolutely unique bottle with ceramic plug. This beer is not exported and you have great opportunity to taste. Just support us and we bring Bernard beer (half liter glsss bottle) to Jyväskylä. If you live there or will be at EcoRun, we will give you beer there, otherwise we will send it. Only for Finnish donators.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 13.95
    (CZK 350)
  • sold 0
    Record certificate and your name on the bonnet

    As our goal is to drive as far as possible to the north on CNG (hopefully behind the Arctic circle at least), we would like to put it in the Czech Book of Records. You will gain a record certificate with your name on it (or a participation commemoration in case we didn´t make the record) and we will put your name on the bonnet of our car.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.94
    (CZK 450)
  • sold 0
    Czech Book of Records, record certificate and your name on the bonnet

    As our goal is to drive as far as possible to the north on CNG (hopefully behind the Arctic circle at least), we would like to put it in the Czech Book of Records. You will gain an English version of the Czech Book of Records. This record won´t be included but a record certificate with your name on it (or a participation commemoration in case we don´t make the record). We will also put your name on the bonnet of our car.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 25.91
    (CZK 650)
  • sold 2
    Efficient driving course by Marek spiced with the expedition experiences

    Only for Czech donators. It lasts 3 hours and add in which city: Prague, Brno, Ostrava or Pilsen.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.49
    (CZK 790)
  • remaining 2 from 4

    Smaller logo at sides of the car.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 139.53
    (CZK 3,500)
  • sold 0
    Efficient driving course by Marek spiced with the expedition experiences (for groups)

    Only for Czech donators. It lasts 3 hours and is for groups up to 15 people (ideal is 10). Course can be anywhere in the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 195.34
    (CZK 4,900)
  • Sold out!!
    Northern beer

    Only for Czech donators. We are a beer nation and we know our beer is the best in the world but sometimes it´s good to try foreign beer. This reward was popular last year so let´s do it again. We plan to buy Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish and Danish beer.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.52
    (CZK 590)
  • Sold out!!
    Main sponsor

    Smaller logo at sides of the car.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 279.05
    (CZK 7,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Advertising on the car's rear window

    The car's rear window is the largest area for advertising. The price includes production and gluing. 

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 378.71
    (CZK 9,500)
  • Sold out!!
    General sponsor

    Big logo on a hood, doors and the rear bumper.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 558.10
    (CZK 14,000)