New CD of Musica Florea - Antonín Dvořák: Symphony No. 2

Passion, emotions, character – this is Antonín Dvořák and his 2nd Symphony in the interpretation of Musica Florea performing on period instruments and creating sound you're definitely not used to! Let’s give Dvořák’s music new life. Be part of our new CD!

  • Musica Florea

  • Florea Theatrum

  • Florea Theatrum

  • Beethoven's ballet

  • Musica Florea performing

  • Marek Štryncl

EUR 4,223
pledged of EUR 3,982


106% completed

95 contributors pledged


Prague, Czech Republic

All or nothing. Project finished on Dec 16, 2016 at 12:24.

Show all rewards

What is our plan?

The new CD will be recorded live during our concert on 3rd November 2016 at 9:30 PM at the church of St. Simon and Jude (Dušní Street, Prague 1). We will perform the complete 2nd Symphony by Antonín Dvořák. Do you want to join us?

How it all begun?

More that twenty years ago, we fall in historically informed performance of early music. We want the music to sound in a way that might have in the era it was composed in. We want to get closer to the original intent of the composer. So when studying a new piece of music, we do not simply look into the score but we try to kind of look behind the curtain, to understand the circumstances of the creation, the context. That’s why we play on period instruments or copies thereof, study period sources and we try to bring the emotions hidden in the original scores to life and share them with the audience. And we have enormous fun doing it.

What is our goal?

It is very important for us to get back to our roots. Antonín Dvořák is one of the most significant Czech composers and a flagship of our music legacy even in an international context. But our goal is to play Dvořák in a way nobody knows these days. All institutions invented by men, relationships, even friendships need a reform from time to time – vital impulses for its renewal. Otherwise their beauty fades away; they become unbearable and dysfunctional in the end. And it applies to interpretation of music, bar none.


The recording of Dvořák’s 2nd Symphony on period instruments and historically informed performance is challenge for us to discover the nature of romantic interpretation of the 19th century. Above all, it’s about searching and finding the truthfulness and originality, based on human nature that also includes mental ability to be creative. Romantic music is full of passion, emotions and colourful. And in the field of reviving its original spirit, Musica Florea belongs to pioneers inland.

We would like to record step by step all Dvořák’s symphonies. We begun with his Seventh and Eight, which you can find on one CD, and last year the First was recorded. We have set our goal to record one symphony every year and create a complete set. Will you go for it with us?

Who we are?

The Musica Florea ensemble was founded in 1992 by the cellist and conductor Marek Štryncl as one of the first serious initiatives in the field of stylistically-informed performance in the Czech Republic. In their attempt to get as close to the original as possible, the orchestra offers the public experience the true magic of early music.

From baroque to romanticism, our work stems from love to music and the serious research alike: the indispensible foundation of the ensemble’s work and the guarantee of its reputation lie in playing on original instruments or copies thereof, undertaking historical research based on studies of period sources and aesthetics. We revive forgotten performing styles and methods.

The repertoire of Musica Florea and Collegium Musicum choir includes chamber music as well as orchestral concertos, and monumental works in the genres of symphonic music, opera, and oratorio. In cooperation with Hartig Ensemble – Dances and Ballets of Three Centuries, we managed to stage various period operas and ballets. In 2014, we have founded Florea Theatrum, mobile baroque theatre that allows us to perform almost everywhere.

Why do we need your help?

The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic supports pr project of performing Dvořák’s 2nd Symphony in historically informed form in concert on 3rd November 2016 in Prague. But that’s just the beginning of the journey. To complete our goal and release a representative record, we need more financial support. Please, help us to create this world premiere of authentic recording of Dvořák’s work, so that it can be available for broad audience. Let´s capture the emotions of Dvořák’s music, it’s worth it!


Jan 13, 2017 We Did It!

And here we go - our new record is out! You can await your rewards. Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts, we wouldn´t succeed without you!


Nov 29, 2016 New rewards for Antonín Dvořák fans

For lovers of Antonín Dvořák and his music, we have added new rewards. How about to start a collection of his symphonies with us? We plan to record them all. When you pre-pay the new CD, you can get the last one with the 1st Symphony or even all the three symphonies we have already recorded for…



Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 13
    First Aid

    You fancy our work and just believe in our project? Great, we are thankful for any kind of support – you can modify the amount you would like to contribute: It’s really up to you. Thank you!

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 1.99
    (CZK 50)
  • sold 17
    CD to download

    Would like to be among the first to listen to the Dvořák’s 2nd Symphony at home but you don’t need a CD? We will be happy to send you the tracks to download, as soon as we finish the postproduction.

    - CD to download
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.95
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 164 from 200
    CD for your collection with personal dedication

    You like reading booklets and simply must have our CD in your collection? That’s great! As soon as the record is ready, we will send you a copy right to your mailbox. Don’t forget to write your address!

    - CD straight to your mailbox
    - Booklet with personal dedication of the artistic director Marek Štryncl and the autographs of the solo players
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.92
    (CZK 450)
  • remaining 995 from 1000
    VIP ticket to one of our Prague concerts in 2017

    Come to enjoy one of our next Prague concerts of 2017 season.

    - Ticket for a concert according to your choice 
    - Seat in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.91
    (CZK 500)
  • remaining 98 from 100
    Double Antonín Dvořák

    Fancy having Antonín Dvořák collection on CD? You can start with us right now. If you pre-pay our new CD with the 2nds Symphony, you will get the recording of the 1st Symphony for a very reasonable price.
    - CD with 2nd Symphony by A. Dvořák (2016)
    - CD with 1st Symphony by A. Dvořák (2015)
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 21.90
    (CZK 550)
  • remaining 998 from 1000
    Concert in Prague + CD to download

    Ant to hear us live and have our recording of Dvořák at hand? It’s simple.

    - CD to download
    - Ticket for a concert according to your choice
    - Seat in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.89
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 90 from 100
    Triple shot of Antonín Dvořák

    Don´t have any of our recordings of Antonín Dvořák? And how about to statr now and get all 4 symhonies we already played? 1st, 2nd, plus 7th and 8th on a double CD for an exclusive price:
    - CD with 2nd Symphony by A. Dvořák (2016)
    - CD with 1st Symphony by A. Dvořák (2015)
    - 2CD with 7th and 8th Symphony by A. Dvořák (2014)
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.85
    (CZK 800)
  • remaining 997 from 1000
    VIP ticket for opera or ballet performance staged in Florea Theatrum + CD to download

    Do you know that Musica Florea performs every summer opera and ballet performances on the stage of the unique mobile baroque theatre Florea Theatrum? For 2017, we have prepared ballet evening of works by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or baroque opera/ballet de cour Phasma Dionysiacum Pragense, which had its premiere in Prague almost at the eve of the Thirty Year’s War (and it is a last court performance where Czech nobility actually performed on stage).

    - CD to download
    - Ticket for a performance according to your choice
    - Seat in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.82
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 498 from 500
    VIP guest of Musica Florea

    We will be happy to welcome you with you companion at some of our concerts – your seats at the front row and meeting with the artistic director of Musica Florea Marek Štryncl are guaranteed, just chose the date that suits you best. Your name will be displayed among our donators and you will always get latest news from us.

    - CD to download or CD with autograph to your mailbox
    - 2 tickets for a concert according to your choice
    - Seats in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Meeting with the artistic director of Musica Florea after the show
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.45
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 49 from 50
    Benefactor of the orchestra

    We will be happy to meeting you throughout the whole season, as we honour our supporters. We will provide you with seats in the first row a will be happy to meet you after some of the concerts personally. Your name will be displayed among our donators and you will always get latest news from us.

    - CD to download or CD with autograph to your mailbox
    - 2 VIP tickets and subscription for the 2017 season for two
    - Seats in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Meeting with the artistic director of Musica Florea after selected performance or concert
    - Chance to visit a concert rehearsal
    - Your name displayed at the website of Musica Florea (if you wish)

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 238.90
    (CZK 6,000)
  • remaining 16 from 20
    Partner of the orchestra or Show up in the world!

    Whether you need to promote you organisation or business, concert of a renowned orchestra is a good opportunity. To be our partner means to be seen. Special requirements? Please, contact us via e-mail:

    - logo in the programme sheet, banner or distribution of promotion material during the concerts and on our website
    - CD to download or CD with autograph to your mailbox
    - 2 VIP tickets and subscription for the 2017 season for two
    - Seats in the first row
    - Program sheet for free
    - Meeting with the artistic director of Musica Florea, the musicians and other artists if possible
    - Chance to visit our rehearsals or othe activities or events according to our agreement

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 398.17
    (CZK 10,000)