Tezaura is recording a new album! And it will be something different! It will be new, it will be harder, it will be HEARTCORE!
Author: Tezaura
Tezaura is finally introducing some new material!
A few days have passed since our last album Unleash the Butterflies came out (exactly 1111 days) and so it's time to introduce you something new! New album will be an EP and it will contain 5 brand new songs. And as the name of the album HEARTCORE suggest - it will be harder and heavyer than before.
Why EP?
Tezaura is a bunch of 4 people who shares the same passion and love for music. We dedicate practicaly all of our free time to it. But it is not enough. With our everyday working lives we don't have the amount of free time we would need to create a whole album every one or two years, eventhough we would love to show you all our new songs and progress. And then we realized that we dont have to. We realized that instead of a whole album filled with fillers we can make it differently. We can record an EP, with only 5 songs. But with five songs about we are 100% sure off.
Why HITHIT campaign?
We plan to finance the new album from several sources. First, we'll empty all our humble pockets and forget about a winter vacation. Second, we'll add some nickels remaining in our band fund. And finally... we give our trust to you, dear fans and supporters, and hope that you'll join the cause. We aren't organizing a charity collection, it's rather an advance sale of the new album, new merch and many more ordinary and even quite extraordinary "from the heart" perks. Buying these thingies will help us to realize this album and help you to become the best fans in the world! :)
What can you gain?
We prepared a lot of wonderful cut-price merch and many special perks for you. Because only buying them in advance will help us realize our dream and make the album best possible for you. You can book a copy of the new album or some other merch, or purchase many pleasant and crazy event-based perks and interesting prizes.
How can you help?
Every help counts! You can share this campaign with friends on social media or recommend our merch. You will be the greatest! If you just "hate this crowdfunding bullsh*t", you can at least play our songs on Spotify and YouTube, or tell your metal-head friend "hey dude, this band rocks, check it out". We will still love you and be grateful for your support!
Lori, Nemo, Mara a David
We have the pleasure to introduce you the coverart of our upcoming album Heartcore! Once again we've joined forces with supertalented Aégis Illustration. How do you like the result?