A Moment of Silence (Okamžik ticha)

In this play a writer tries to make sense of Iran history after the revolution of 1979. His life is threatened by some anonymous forces. An English language theatre production with Czech surtitles as one of the main events at the Festival of Iranian Films

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EUR 657
pledged of EUR 1,988


33% completed

11 contributors pledged


Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česká republika

All or nothing. Project finished on Jan 17, 2016 at 15:29.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 1
    A good beginning makes a good ending. Give us a thumb up and feel good!

    Contribute just enough to feel good that you are one of the reasons a unique story comes to life and lives on stage. A good deed, A good feeling 

    Your name will be mentioned on A Moment of Silence Facebook event page in the list of contributors. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 3.98
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 1
    Theatre and Iranian snack!

    You can get yourself lovely, delicious, special Iranian snacks and have it during the interval of A Moment of Silence  on the night of the performance, 15th of January 2016.

    Your name will be mentioned on A Moment of Silence Facebook event page in the list of contributors. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 9.94
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 3
    Sweet ticket!

    1 complimentary ticket? You've got it!

    Do you want to try Iranian snacks? If you are coming to our show surely you should go to our DISK cafe to try them for free.

    Your name will be mentioned on A Moment of Silence Facebook event page in the list of contributors. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 13.91
    (CZK 350)
  • sold 1
    Watch it, read it, taste it!

    We will appreciate your help in the printed program brochure for A Moment of Silence and your name will appear on our Facebook event page as one of the people who supported us to help this play be on stage again. 

    Please enjoy our Iranian snacks during the interval of A Moment of Silence on 15th january 2016. 

    We assure you that you will have 1 complimentary ticket as well. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 17.89
    (CZK 450)
  • sold 1
    Your postcard of A Moment of Silence’s poster will fly to you anywhere you are!

    You will receive a postcard of A Moment of Silence poster, and a note from our actors for you! Also you can get 1 complimentary ticket for A Moment of  Silence. 

    We will appreciate your support on our Facebook event page and in the program brochure of A moment of Silence. 

    Please enjoy our Iranian snacks during the interval of A Moment of Silence on 15th january 2016. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 23.06
    (CZK 580)
  • sold 0
    Must have in your theatre posters collection! (If you don’t have one, start now!)

    A signed poster of A Moment of Silence for you! That could be a reminder for all the seasons how helpful you were to this production. And get 1 complimentary ticket for A Moment of Silence. Iranian Snacks will be waiting for you during the interval of A Moment of Silence on 15th of January 2016. And we won't forget to mention your name on our Facebook event page as one of our supporters.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 32.20
    (CZK 810)
  • sold 2
    Find your inner partner on the acting/directing workshop!

    Do you want to learn something new? It doesn’t matter what your profession is either in artistic field or different fields. If you are into discovering your own feelings you can attend a one day directing/acting workshop in Prague “Living the scene here and now” led by Azadeh Mohammadi.

    You can have a great experience of discoveries! 

    You will get a signed poster of A Moment of Silence.

    Your name will be on our program as well as one of our supporters. 

    2 complimentary tickets? You got it! And of course you can try Iranian snacks at the interval of A Moment of Silence on 15th January 2016. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 61.62
    (CZK 1,550)
  • sold 0
    A friend in need is a friend indeed!

    Your name will be displayed on our Facebook event page as our patron. 

    Do you prepare a party for your children, birthday or such? Or do you know some one around you who does? 

    Here we are ready to give you a great party service for children. We will send an actor to your party to entertain the children with theatre and fun games. Alternatively you could attend the acting/Directing workshop led by Azadeh Mohammadi. You don’t need to be professional for it, it’s enough if you would like to have discoveries about yourself. 

    You will receive a signed poster of A Moment of Silence. 

    Don't forget about your 2 complimentary tickets for A Moment of Silence and delicious Iranian snacks in the interval   of A Moment of Silence on 15th January 2016. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 87.46
    (CZK 2,200)
  • sold 0
    Did you know that patrons are photogenic?!

    We offer you a beautiful headshot of yours taken by one of our professional photographers.If you want we can show you some of samples of photos to make sure you would like to have one as well. 

    Alternatively you can attend the Acting/Directing workshop led by Azadeh Mohammadi even though if you are not a professional actor/director but you are welcome to come and discover more about yourself. 

    Or alternatively if you have a children party that you would like to amuse them, or f you know somebody who does, we are here to help you by sending an actor to make theatre and fun games for children. 

    Also receiving 2 complimentary tickets to A Moment of Silence and you will try the Iranian snacks.  

    Your name will be mentioned on our Facebook page as one of our supporters.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 131.19
    (CZK 3,300)
  • sold 0
    Give your business a moment of advertisement!

    Do you need to promote your business? We are ready to help you actively by advertising your business on the Facebook event page of A Moment of Silence at the Festival of Iranian Films. You just need to send us your material for online advertising. 

    2 complimentary tickets for A moment of Silence. 

    Help yourselves with Iranian snacks during the interval of A Moment of Silence. 

    Your name will be mentioned on our Facebook page as out patron. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 159.01
    (CZK 4,000)
  • sold 1
    Experience picturesque conférence of the birds by Attar Neishabouri, Iranian poet!

    Are you interested in classical Persian poetry?  A Moment of Silence team would like to offer you one of the best poetry books by Attar Neishabouri, one of the most outstanding Persian classical poets. The book is translated in to Czech and English and it contains beautiful images and illustrations. 

    Do you need to promote your business? We can help you with through our Facebook page of A Moment of Silence.  

    We will announce your name to the audience of A Moment of Silence as patron on the night of the performance , 15th of January 2016.

    You will have 2 complimentary ticket to A Moment of Silence and delicious Iranian snacks during the interval of A Moment of Silence and you will be on our Facebook page of A Moment of Silence. 

    Also we will mention your name on the website of the Festival of Iranian Films as one of our supporters

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 190.82
    (CZK 4,800)
  • sold 1
    Birds of the same feather flock together.

    Enjoy production in the company of people you love (maximum 6 complimentary tickets) and want to please and then join  the actors for a glass of wine and a discussion about the play.  

    And of course  your name will be announced to the audience of A Moment of Silence as our patron on the night of performance,15th of January 2016 and  we won't forget to mention your name on our Facebook event page.

    You should enjoy our Iranian snacks during the interval of A Moment of Silence. 

    If  you need to promote your business, we can help you through our Facebook event  page of A Moment of Silence.  

    Also we will mention your name on the website of the Festival of Iranian Films as our patron. 

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 246.47
    (CZK 6,200)
  • sold 0
    Top-notch package for generous ones!

    Seriously?  You want to be our official sponsor We love you!

    The  banner or poster of your business at our venue DISK theatre and  some venues (Cinemas) at the Festival of Iranian Film. We are trying to promote you in a our best way and keep you satisfied)

    Your name will be on the website of the Festival of Iranian Films and the Facebook event page of A Moment of Silence as our sponsor and big support. This is also how we will introduce you to the audience at the performance.

    You will receive a DVD of  A Moment of Silence with the pictures of actors and you can have complimentary tickets to A Moment of Silence as many as you want 

    During the interval of the performance you can have delicious snacks at te cafe of teh theatre and after the performance you are invited to have a glass of wine and a good chat with the actors

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 397.54
    (CZK 10,000)