Lusk Dizehan 06 The book: 21 photographs and a poster

Our goal is to publish a uniquely designed book that deals with the culture of the 21st century using words and pictures. It is also the first publication by Cycling Dog Book Press.

Author: Cycling Dog

EUR 1,304
pledged of EUR 1,196


109% completed

60 contributors pledged

Literature, Photography

Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on Aug 6, 2021 at 11:51.

Show all rewards

How did it start 

The author of the project is Klez Brandar, French photographer living in Prague, who got here from Breton through Argentina, New Zealand, Italy, Spain (and some more). Skateboarding, photographing, playing and composing music, drinking wine, petting each dog seen in a kilometer distance, he is constantly watching people, interacting with them, gaining new energy and creating something new. No surprise he chose ‘perpetual movement’ as a main quote for the project.

The publisher of the project is Ula Jankowska, Polish bookseller and coffee addict, who came to Prague directly from Warsaw, to get to know each brick in the wall and cobble stone on the street of a city where Bohumil Hrabal lived. She was so amazed by the great amount of people she met who are such great writers, photographers, illustrators, graphic designers that she decided to start Cycling Dog Book Press to put them all together and make a book. The Book.

Ula and Klez met few years ago somewhere in Vršovice or Žižkov in Prague (they don't remember).

What's our goal

Klez wants to share his works, whatever it is - music, pictures, performance; Ula wants to work with talented people she knows and publish books (and read, of course). That's why they both want to offer you an exceptional book, which combines pictures, words, topics of 21 century and great graphic design.


Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. Of course, there’s no arguing with a picture’s capacity to move. But this is now the era of not only images but also miscommunication. Do we know how to read and how to talk about images? Are they more precise than words? And should we really put boundaries and make an opposition of both beautiful arts of communicating with pictures and words?

If these questions are a trigger for you, you may want to hear more of them, asked both in words and images. Now you have an opportunity to support publishing a very special book.

Combination of 21 colorful photographs and 21 texts about 21st century culture, full of facts, impressions, observations but mainly questions about the world we live in. How architecture influences our lives? How easy tourism is changing the world? What are the consequences of mistakes in the educational system? Can art save us? Where is the excess for better understanding the way we live? Etc, etc.

This is all part of a project called Lusk Dizehan, which in Brittonic language means ‘perpetual movement’. If you think you need to be fast just… slow down, look and think. Take your time and let these 21 pictures combined with text ask you some questions about yourself.

The publication contains 21 pictures made strictly digitally, mainly at night, most of them were taken in Prague during night walks. Lights, move, blurs, shadows, reflections give the places you know new energy discovering it’s hidden potential. 

The book has a special form. It consists of photos wrapped in a poster that you can unpack and hang on the wall. But before that, pause over it and take a closer look, because only the one who is looking for answers finds more questions: the poster is an engaging and playful object full of shapes graphically depicting movement. On closer inspection, its second layer can be revealed - the text is divided into 21 sections on contemporary culture, which will inspire you as well as the photographs with which it is connected.

The Book is called ‘Lusk Dizehan’ and will be a trilingual press in Czech, English and French. 

What we raise money for

The money from the project will go to print and the costs of graphic design, typesetting, translation, proofreading, editing, printing.


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 8
    I like your idea just because

    I like dogs, books, bikes and photography and I am really keeping fingers crossed for your project. No, you don't owe me anything, karma pays back, don't worry.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 3.95
    (CZK 99)
  • sold 1
    Print your choice from the kolekce Lusk Dizehan ’06 collection

    Print of your choice from the collection 'Lusk Dizehan' 06, 10 x 15 cm. You can choose an image from the gallery (photos 6-10).
    Delivery in person within Prague.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.99
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 7
    A walk with Luba The Dog, half of Cycling Dog Book Press

    Are you fan of Cycling Dog Book Press even before firt published book? Then it must be because of Luba The Dog, half of the company! She loves you too and she will be happy to show you her favourite places in and around Prague, depending what you would like to see. The chaperon aka Miss Bookseller will be on a walk too and she will be serving coffee (to you) and snacks (to Luba The Dog).
    Pledge and take our Marketing and Promotion Department aka Luba The Dog for a walk, she'll be happy to hang around with you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5.98
    (CZK 150)
  • sold 17
    The Book ‘Lusk Dizehan’ 06 / Prague

    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06, which contains 21 photographs and a poster.
    Delivery in person within Prague.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.96
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 12
    The book ‘Lusk Dizehan’ 06 / with postage

    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06, which contains 21 photographs and a poster.
    The price includes the book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 and postage for the EU.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.94
    (CZK 450)
  • remaining 2 from 10
    The Book ‘Lusk Dizehan’ 06 and a T-shirt / Prague

    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 (21 photos and a poster) and a T-shirt with a special print from one of the 21 photos. You can select an image from the "Photo and Video" section (Figures 6-10) and be sure to write the size of the T-shirt.
    Delivery in person within Prague.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.92
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 7 from 10
    The Book ‘Lusk Dizehan’ 06 and a T-shirt / with postage

    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 (21 photos and a poster) and a T-shirt with a special print from one of the 21 photos. You can select an image from the "Photo and Video" section (Figures 6-10) and be sure to write the size of the T-shirt.
    Delivery in person within Prague.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.90
    (CZK 750)
  • remaining 2 from 5
    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 and the print of your choice from the collection 'Lusk Dizehan' 06

    Book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 (21 photos and poster) and print of Klez Brandar's photo (50 x 75 cm), limited edition. You can select an image from the "Photo and Video" section (Figures 6-10).
    Available only in Prague.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 67.77
    (CZK 1,700)
  • remaining 2 from 3
    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 and membership in the VIP Book Club

    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 (21 photos and poster) and a 3-month membership in the VIP Book Club with Ula Jankowska, a professional bookseller with 15 years of experience and much longer experience as a specialist reader who delivers books selected especially for you and then invites you for coffee to talk to her (options available in Czech, English and Polish). In this variant you get 'Lusk Dizehan ‘06 and three other books that we can discuss during three meetings. Don't have a coffee and share your reading experiences!
    Available only in Prague.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.59
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    The book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 and photo workshops with Klez Brandar

    Book 'Lusk Dizehan' 06 (21 photos and poster), print photo Klez Brandar (50 x 75 cm) and day of photography with Klez Brandar. You can choose an image from the gallery (photos 6-10).

    This price is only available in the Czech Republic (city to be agreed).

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 398.64
    (CZK 10,000)