Making the Centre Stage

We are seeking funds to renovate our theatre space in order to provide a free, professional platform for artists, musicians & theatre with recording ability. With your help we can transform our amazing space into a lively centre for promoting creativity.

Otázka pre tvorcu A Maze in Tchaiovna o projekte Making the Centre Stage

2 138 €
vybrané z 13 914 €


15% splnené

40 ľudí prispelo

Komunita, Divadlo

Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic

Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 2.1.2016 v 15:08.

Vyberte si odmenu za váš príspevok

  • predané 3
    Make your own printable maze

    To thank you we will send you a printable image based upon our logo. Get your colouring pens out and unleash your creative side on a specially designed teapot image!

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    3,98 €
    (100 Kč)
  • zostáva 198 z 200
    Pin on Badge (button)

    Pin one of our specially made amazing badges on your jacket or bag!

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    4,77 €
    (120 Kč)
  • predané 4
    Pot of Tea

    Enjoy a complementary drink from our wide range of teas, coffees and cold drinks at A Maze in Tchaiovna.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    5,96 €
    (150 Kč)
  • predané 8
    Amazing Music Compilation

    Digital Compilation Album of music by amazing artists who have performed at the teahouse over the last year and a bit including Justin Lavash, Don Kipper, China Shop Bull, Bob O'Keefe, Yo Soy Indigo, Tony Rose, the Rainbow Girls, The Turpentine Ray, The Ringtones and much more

    Doručenia odmeny: do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    15,90 €
    (400 Kč)
  • predané 4
    100g mix of Yogi Yogi Chai Masala

    Smell the amazing spices and make at home the A Maze in Tchaiovna’s signature tea.

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    15,90 €
    (400 Kč)
  • zostáva 95 z 100
    A Maze in Tchaiovna Fabric Bag

    Going shopping? Get a hand made A Maze in Tchaiovna Fabric Bag

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    21,86 €
    (550 Kč)
  • predané 4
    A night of tea for 2 at A Maze in Tchaiovna

    If you are in the area, enjoy an evening of unlimited teas and cold drinks from around the world for you and a friend.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    33,79 €
    (850 Kč)
  • zostáva 14 z 15
    A pocket Maze

    The teapot-maze is the symbol of the Teahouse. Get yourself a limited-edition laser cut teapot-shaped trinket.

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    35,78 €
    (900 Kč)
  • zostáva 50 z 50
    Limited edition A Maze in Tchaiovna mug

    Sip your tea and think of us with a with a Limited edition mug with maze design

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    35,78 €
    (900 Kč)
  • zostáva 47 z 50
    Tričko A Maze In Tchaiovna

    A Maze in Tchaiovna T-shirt Get a custom made limited edition funky A Maze in Tchaiovna T-shirt. Specification of size and style required. Handmade by local artists

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    47,70 €
    (1 200 Kč)
  • predané 3
    Buy a square metre of sound insulation

    To say thank you, your name will be illustrated in an artwork specially made for the theatre room.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    71,56 €
    (1 800 Kč)
  • zostáva 19 z 20
    Signed copy of Yo Soy Indigo’s album

    The Tchaiovna’s house band is currently in the production stages of making their first album. Get a copy before anyone else signed by the whole band!

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    119,26 €
    (3 000 Kč)
  • zostáva 11 z 12
    2 VIP tickets to the next Meander Festival

    This is including transport from Prague to the festival site in Loket, Kralovy Vary and back, food for the weekend and Champaign on entry. Summer 2016

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    318,03 €
    (8 000 Kč)
  • zostáva 1 z 2
    Choose the next charity focus

    This charity will be the focus of collection for 3 months at A Maze in Tchaiovna through our events and workshops

    Doručenia odmeny: do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    397,54 €
    (10 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Tea for a year at A Maze in Tchaiovna

    Select what you like from our wide menu of teas, when you like for a whole year, unlimited and for free. 

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    596,30 €
    (15 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Free Beer and Wine

     For 2 weeks enjoy the full range of our menu of beer and wine, tea and coffee and iced drinks at A Maze in Tchaiovna, Muchova 4, Prague.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    596,30 €
    (15 000 Kč)
  • zostáva 3 z 3
    Choice of teapot

    Have at  home one of our iconic, unique collectable teapots

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do mesiaca po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    596,30 €
    (15 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Free Tea and Toasties

    Ooooh! Free tea and toasties, plus discount beer and wine for 3 years.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    1 192,61 €
    (30 000 Kč)
  • zostáva 1 z 1
    Name our theatre

    The cultural 'Centre Stage' needs a name. Name the theatre room, for example, after yourself or person of your choosing. A special naming ceremony will take place once the work is done.

    Doručenia odmeny: do týždňa po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    3 975,35 €
    (100 000 Kč)