Solo for Lu in Beijing

The production of Solo for Lu was invited to the festival of unofficial culture in Beijing. As the festival is organized without any kind of financial support, Czech artists must raise the money for travel expenses themselves.

Autor: Divadlo Archa

4 059 €
vybrané z 3 987 €


101% splnené

68 ľudí prispelo


Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 11.5.2013 v 17:39.

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Modern theatre in China is still very limited. One of the few companies to gain worldwide renown while at the same time working without any state support is the Living Dance Studio in Beijing. For several years it has been trying to promote the principles of free theatre in a very difficult political situation. Every year it organizes a festival of independent culture. This festival is an important place for meetings of artists who work outside of official Chinese culture. It also welcomes foreign participants, who bring inspiration and support to local artists. This year the organizers have invited Archa Theatre’s internationally successful production of Solo for Lu, created by Chinese actress and singer Jing Lu and Czech director Jana Svobodová.

Solo for Lu is based on the personal story of a Chinese actress and singer who lives in Prague. In her memories she returns to her childhood in communist China. This intimate story full of tragic events as well as journeys in search of success is told be the protagonist herself.The performance is based on the contrast of the personal testimony of a young Chinese woman with the global questions of today's world and the West's ambivalent relationship with China. Michal Nejtek's music was created on the basis of a live sound plan, which the performer herself creates right in front of the audience. The performance will be supplemented by arts workshops focusing on contemporary theatre methods. The Chinese organizers will accommodate the Czech artists in their homes, but they do not have the resources to pay for their travel costs.

Archa wants to support Chinese partners just as foreign artists have helped Czech culture, when they performed here at their own expense back in the days when the Czech cultural scene was isolated from global developments.

So far we have only raised a third of the costs, i.e. CZK 60,000. Please help us in our mission!


Vyberte si odmenu za váš príspevok

  • predané 0

    Original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on regular paper + 2 songs from Solo for Lu in MP3 format.

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    0,32 €
    (8 Kč)
  • predané 0

    1 free ticket to Solo for Lu + original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on handmade paper + 2 songs from Solo for Lu in MP3 format

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    0,80 €
    (20 Kč)
  • predané 0

    2 free tickets to Solo for Lu + thank you message on the Archa + original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on rice paper + 2 songs from Solo for Lu in MP3 format

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    1,59 €
    (40 Kč)
  • predané 0

    Cotton T-shirt with calligraphy of name in Chinese characters + 2 free tickets to Solo for Lu + thank you message on the Archa + original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on rice paper

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    3,19 €
    (80 Kč)
  • predané 0

    Inclusion of name on Archa Theatre printed materials + 2 free tickets to Solo for Lu and 2 free tickets to another performance produced by the Archa Theatre + original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on rice paper + cotton T-shirt with calligraphy of name in Chinese characters

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    7,97 €
    (200 Kč)
  • predané 0

    Opportunity to participate in rehearsals of Solo for Lu + dinner with Jing Lu and Jana Svobodová in a Chinese restaurant + inclusion of name on Archa Theatre printed materials+ original calligraphy of the donor’s or another person’s name in Chinese characters on rice paper + cotton T-shirt with calligraphy of name in Chinese characters + 2 free tickets to Solo for Lu and 2 free tickets to another performance produced by the Archa Theatre

    Doručenia odmeny: nešpecifikované

    15,95 €
    (400 Kč)