Santiago Ferreira: "CARACOL" new album!

The time has come to complete 10 years in CZ & celebrate.That's why I decided to record a new authorial album inspired by my life in Europe & by my memories of Brazil. Preparations are already underway but to complete the album I'm gonna need your help!

261 €
vybrané z 3 189 €


8% splnené

10 ľudí prispelo


Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic

Všetko alebo nič. Projekt skončil 15.11.2015 v 08:33.

Zobraziť všetky odmeny

Hello everyone, we are here to introduce you to our new project - which is purely musical. We are a bunch of great musicians and friends which create music with open heart and prepared project full of music. Our music has its roots in Latin America where we all came from. You can help us and cooperate with us on a project that we would like to complete and bring to the world. We have prepared various rewards and hope you will enjoy it and become part of our musical family.

Songs written by Santiago Ferreira

Santiago Ferreira (BRA) - Voice, Ac Guitar, Arrangements (BRA)

Tomáš Jochmann (SK) - Piano

Bharata Rajnošek (CZ) - Sax

Andrés Ibarburu (URY) - Bass

Nicolás Ibarburu (URY) - Electric Guitar

Martín Ibarburu (URY) - Drums

Fabio Christoni (BRA) - Percussions

Kieren Alexander (AUS) - Accordion


Vyberte si odmenu za váš príspevok

  • predané 0
    3x Mp3

    3 songs in electronic format (Mp3) before releasing the CD.

    Doručenia odmeny: do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    5,98 €
    (150 Kč)
  • predané 0
    5x Mp3

    5 songs in electronic format (MP3) before releasing the CD.

    Doručenia odmeny: do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    7,97 €
    (200 Kč)
  • predané 3
    Full album in Mp3

    Full album in electronic format (Mp3) before releasing the CD.

    Doručenia odmeny: do štvrť roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    9,96 €
    (250 Kč)
  • predané 3
    Signed album

    Signed album, delivered in the concert.

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    11,96 €
    (300 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Signed Album Delivered

    Signed album, delivered at your home.

    Doručenia odmeny: na adresu, do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    15,94 €
    (400 Kč)
  • predané 2
    Signed album + ticket

    Signed album + ticket for the CD release concert 4.3.2016.

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    23,91 €
    (600 Kč)
  • predané 1
    Lesson, Singing, guitar, piano...

    1,5 hour lesson: singing, guitar, cavaquinho, bass or piano in Prague.

    -singing, guitar, cavaquinho (Santiago Ferreira - out 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016),
    - bass (Andres Ibarburu)
    - piano (Tomas Jochmann)

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    27,90 €
    (700 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Podepsané album + 2 vstupenky

    Podepsané album + 2 vstupenky na křest alba dne 4.3.2016. 

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    31,89 €
    (800 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Package rewards

    Signed album + ticket for the CD release concert + making of video + Album Caracol Songbook.

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    39,86 €
    (1 000 Kč)
  • predané 1
    Dinner with Santiago

    Do you want to meet the albums author and know about his culture, music?

    * Brazilian restaurant in Prague
    * Date TBC (OUT 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)
    * Santiago speaks: Czech, English, Spanish, Portuguese

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    119,57 €
    (3 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Santiago Ferreira Solo

    Santiago Ferreira solo (45 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 50 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    239,14 €
    (6 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Santiago Ferreira Solo Plus

    Santiago Ferreira solo (90 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 150 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    398,57 €
    (10 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Santiago Ferreira Band

    Santiago Ferreira with band (45 min)* 
    - not for commercial purposes 
    - for max 250 people 

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer  
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    996,41 €
    (25 000 Kč)
  • predané 0
    Santiago Ferreira Band Plus

    Santiago Ferreira with band (90 min)*
    - not for commercial purposes
    - for max 350 people

    * sound system and expenses with transportation covered by the backer 
    * date TBC (out of 6.11.2015 - 8.2.2016)

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    1 394,98 €
    (35 000 Kč)
  • predané 0

    Official partner
    - logo on CD
    - special thanks 
    - advertising and logo in the CD release concert
    - 50 CDs
    - concert of Santiago Ferreira Band

    Doručenia odmeny: do pol roka po ukončení projektu na Hithitu

    2 391,39 €
    (60 000 Kč)