Number of projects found: 3
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    Let's open the film museum NaFilM

    Author: NaFilM

    Czech film doesn't have its own museum. For its 100th birthday we have decided to change that and finally build one. Join us! Let's build the film museum NaFilM where anyone can become a filmmaker.

    Pledged  EUR 22,527 of EUR 19,928

    113 % Successfully finished
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    Supported by Vodafone

    Join us for a film in the museum!

    Author: NaFilM

    Would you believe that the Czech Republic doesn't have its own film museum? Let's change it together!

    Pledged  EUR 11,037 of EUR 9,964

    110 % Successfully finished
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    Supported by Vodafone

    Pojďte NaFilM do muzea!

    Author: NaFilM

    Jak je možné, že český film nemá své muzeum? Máme muzeum hudby, lega, dokonce i čokolády. Ale film zatím žádné nemá. Pojďte to s námi změnit! Chceme vám ukázat, jak by takové muzeum mohlo vypadat, a otevřít ho pro vás na půl roku prozatím alespoň v malém.

    Pledged  EUR 7,971 of EUR 4,783

    166 % Successfully finished
    Project detail Project video