SuperAce TENNIS - a unique entertaining board game for all

SuperAce Tennis is an original fun and catchy board game for all. Thanks to its simple rules you can start playing and enjoying yourselves in a matter of minutes. Support us by contributing to its production and mobile application for score-keeping.

Author: RCGames

Víc než jen "Blechy" - na míru vyvíjené materiály a výroba v Česku

Jul 30, 2021

Zaznamenali jsme několik příspěvků z ČR i zahraničí, které srovnávají SuperAce Tennis s hrou Blechy (Tiddlywinks). To ale neodpovídá skutečnosti, a my se zde pokusíme vysvětlit proč. 

Hra SuperAce Tennis je založena na mechanice, kterou mnozí znají z dětské hry Blechy nebo anglické verze Tiddlywinks. To je ale také jediná podobnost, kterou tyto hry mají. SuperAce Tennis má patentovaný herní princip, který věrně napodobuje skutečný tenis. Stejně jako v reálu se snaží hráč dostat soupeře do situace, kdy není schopen míček doběhnout, nebo ho naopak vyčerpat hrou na jistotu a trpělivě čekat na jeho chybu. Záleží nejenom na technice odpalu, ale také na taktickém vedení hry. A to dvojnásob platí pro čtyřhru. Tam je strategie ještě důležitější. Pravidla naprosto přesně odpovídají opravdovému tenisu!

Důkazem toho je, že aplikace, kterou jsme ke hře vyvinuli, aby usnadnila počítání skóre, se dá využít i při skutečném tenisovém zápasu. Aplikace je samozřejmě vyvíjena naší hře na klíč, a má velmi důmyslné intuitivní ovládání, dokáže vést statistiky, analyzovat hru a mnoho dalšího. 

Materiál, z něhož je hrací plocha vyrobena je výsledkem našeho dvouletého testování. Má sametový, hebký povrch, který umožňuje přesný odpal a tlumí dopad. Na rubu je vrstva z černé pryže, která bezchybně přilne na podklad (stůl, rovná deska) a nesmeká se. V herní branži se podobné matriály občas používají pro hrací plochy různých fantasy her. Odborně se jim říká game mats a jsou poměrně drahé. 

Technologie potisku nám umožňuje použití libovolné barvy a grafického vzoru. Pro zájemce o tzv. customizaci můžeme vytvořit design kurtu na přání. Hra tak může být originálním dárkem, který nikdo jiný nemá, anebo reklamním či dárkovým předmětem pro firmy. 

Také ostatní herní komponenty jako síť a dřevěné figurky, ale i obal ve tvaru tubusu jsou vyrobeny z kvalitních materiálů u nás v České republice. Tubus není obalem na jednorázové použití, ale slouží k uložení a ochraně hrací plochy před poškozením a samozřejmě je ideálním řešením pro přepravu. 

A nakonec ta nejdůležitější součástka To je ona „blecha“, která v naší hře představuje tenisový míček a která jediná je pojítkem se stejnojmennou hrou. Musí se dobře odpalovat, létat vzduchem, pokud možno rovně bez rotací a po dopadu už zbytečně neodskakovat. Musí mít tu správnou hmotnost a tvar… A hádejte, kde si ji necháme vyrábět? Ve Velké Británii, která světu dala právě výše zmíněnou Tiddlywinks. Ale tím veškerá podobnost končí. 

EUR 16,006
pledged of EUR 15,949


100% completed

168 contributors pledged

Sport, Games

Prague, Czechia

All or nothing. Project finished on Aug 14, 2021 at 12:47.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 1
    International Shipping - Europe

    Do you wish to ship your Reward abroad
    Please do not forget to add this Reward and we will be more than happy to pack everything and send it anywhere within Europe.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5.98
    (CZK 150)
  • sold 4
    SuperAce Tennis Hall of Fame Entry

    Do you want to support the production of the game and become a SuperAce Tennis Hall of Famer for ever?
    Pledge at least EUR 7,87
     and we will engrave your name in gold letters on our website in the Hall of Fame. In Notes, please specify the exact name you wish to be listed under in the Hall of Fame.

    The minimum pledge is 7,87 EUR, if you wish to contribute more, we will be truly delighted.
    You can make the 7,87 EUR pledge repeatedly and be listed in the Hall of Fame under more names.  We surely won’t stop you :-)

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.97
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 2
    A Super Symbolic Tennis Gift

    You don’t want to buy the game but still want to contribute? Or perhaps you want the game and on top of it a super gift? That’s great!
    Choose one of the 3 special rewards and let us know in Notes. 
    • a small bag of red clay just like they have in Roland Garros
    • grass seed, just like they have on the courts of Wimbledon
    • a small bag of “winks“ that jump as quickly as the tennis balls at the US Open
    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.96
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 28 from 50
    Super Blue Bird - blue / hard / hall Tokyo version

    In the occasion of Tokyo Olympic tournament  we release new extra reward - limited version of 50 pieces of SuperAce Tennis in blue version for extra price, the same colour which has the surface of olympic  courts in Tokyo.

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a  CZK 400,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 2 000,-

    This pledge includes  free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to  order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 27.91
    (CZK 700)
  • remaining 115 from 150
    Early Bird Tennis

    The SuperAce Tennis game at a discounted price. Not as super as the Super Early Bird, but still a very handsome price for another 150 future tennis champions! Please specify your preferred game option (red clay, grass, hard court) in Notes.

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a CZK 400,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 2 000,-

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.90
    (CZK 750)
  • remaining 492 from 500
    The SuperAce Tennis Superhit

    The SuperAce Tennis game at a bargain price only for the Hithit campaign. Plenty of games for all. Buy now and you won't regret. Please specify your preferred game option (red clay, grass, hard court) in Notes.

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a CZK 200,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 1 300,-

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.86
    (CZK 799)
  • remaining 94 from 100
    Limited “Marek Taclik“ edition

    Get yourself 1 of the 100 games from the special “Marek Taclik” edition. Marek acted in our promo spot and had a great time playing the game. If you would like your SuperAce Tennis signed and personally dedicated by  Marek Taclik, don’t hesitate and choose this limited number reward. Please specify in Notes who the game should be dedicated to and your preferred game option (red clay, grass, hard court). 

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 35.85
    (CZK 899)
  • remaining 93 from 100
    SuperAce Tennis Doubles

    Do you want to make someone else happy too? Get a SuperAce Tennis double! Please specify your preferred game options (red clay, grass, hard court) in Notes.

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a CZK 400,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 2 000,-

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 57.81
    (CZK 1,450)
  • remaining 49 from 50
    Customized SuperAce Tennis - light

    Do you want your game to be an authentic and unique original? Come up with signs of your own that you would like to have displayed on the court of your game. You can name the  tournament after yourself, write a dedication or message, or have the logo of a sponsor imprinted. In this offer we will print the text you specify on your chosen game option (red clay, grass, hard court) on all sides of the court. Please send us the exact wording in Notes.

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.77
    (CZK 1,499)
  • remaining 40 from 40
    Customized SuperAce Tennis - medium

    Do you want your game to be an authentic and unique original? Design the look of the whole court from scratch. You can select the colour or pattern of the surface, name the tournament after yourself, write a dedication or message or have the logo of a sponsor imprinted. In this offer we will print the text you specify on your chosen game option (red clay, grass, hard court) on all sides of the court. Please send us the exact wording in Notes.

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 67.74
    (CZK 1,699)
  • remaining 28 from 30
    Customized SuperAce Tennis - full

    Do you want a complete original?  Your own court design, custom court signs, personalized look of the tube box the game is packaged in? You now have a unique once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have your own game, your own tennis tournament. Or a very special gift for someone else; we are positive your authenticity will be appreciated not only by avid tennis players but also by finicky game enthusiasts.

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.70
    (CZK 1,999)
  • remaining 43 from 50
    SuperAce “Grandslam” Winner

    Enjoy triple savings! Order 3 sets of our SuperAce Tennis game and you can play at Wimbledon on Friday, Roland Garros on Saturday and in the finals of the US Open in New York on Sunday! This is not a requirement though, you can choose your game option preference (red clay, grass, hard court).

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a CZK 700,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 3 000,-

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 83.69
    (CZK 2,099)
  • remaining 3 from 16
    Participation in the opening SuperAce Tennis Masters’ Tournament

    A reward for true connoisseurs who don’t want to miss a historical one-time event. Be one of the 16 chosen men or women to play at the SuperAce Tennis Masters’ Tournament. You will have a chance to meet the designers of the game and there will be many other interesting guests, perhaps even a magician.
    This reward includes not only the participation in this sports and social event, which will take place in Prague this autumn, but also refreshments and of course the game itself autographed by the authors.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 199.36
    (CZK 5,000)
  • sold 4
    10x Customized SuperAce Tennis – full

    Do you like our game and would you like more sets of a fully customized version? For instance as a unique company Christmas gift? Make use of this offer in which you will get 10 sets of the fully customized version of the SuperAce Tennis game. We guarantee delivery 1 month before Christmas. 

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 598.09
    (CZK 15,000)
  • sold 4
    20x Customized SuperAce Tennis – full

    Do you like our game and would you like more sets of a fully customized version? For instance as a unique company Christmas gift? Make use of this offer in which you will get 20 sets of the fully customized version of the SuperAce Tennis game. We guarantee delivery 1 month before Christmas.

    ​This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 797.45
    (CZK 20,000)
  • sold 1
    30x Customized SuperAce Tennis – full

    Do you like our game and would you like more sets of a fully customized version? For instance as a unique company Christmas gift? Make use of this offer in which you will get 30 sets of the fully customized version of the SuperAce Tennis game. We guarantee delivery 1 month before Christmas. 

    ​This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 897.13
    (CZK 22,500)
  • remaining 2 from 3
    SuperAce Tennis game Sponsor

    Do you like our project and would you like your company’s or institution’s name to be associated with the game? Become one of the 3 sponsors of the game! 
    The name and logo of your company will be published in the game rules that come with each set, we will display it on our website and mobile app, at minimum in all the games produced and released in years 2021 and 2022. At this point we don’t know how many that will be, but we firmly believe there will be lots.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,993.62
    (CZK 50,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Super Early Bird Tennis

    In tennis, patience usually pays off, but in our case, you might want to make an early move because this offer is the best deal and comes to you at an unbeatable price never to be repeated again.
    Be one of the first 50 backers to pledge and get to play your SuperAce Tennis at a bargain price.
    Please specify in Notes your preferred game option (red clay, grass, hard court).

    On top of that, if our campaign succeeds, then immediately upon reaching the funding goal, you will receive a CZK 400,- discount voucher for the purchase of sports equipment of your choice in the  online shop. The voucher is valid for purchases over CZK 2 000,-

    This pledge includes free shipping in the Czech republic. Do you want to send your reward abroad? Please do not forget to order International shipping Reward extra.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 27.87
    (CZK 699)