Dear friends, we have 3 days left to reach the 3rd milestone on Hithit - we are finishing this Sunday. Your support was amazing and thanks to it and the way you stood up for us, we would like to “spam it up” a bit in these last 3 days. Have patience with us - not a word about hithit after that, just in case you want to pick up your reward
Why are we trying to earn for a better kitchen? We believe that it will not only help us with sales in the take away window (perhaps it will not be for much longer, but who knows), but also when we are open - we want to constantly improve and offer better, healthier and better food. Especially for those of you for whom we are a second home – not only during the exam period
We have also added two other interesting rewards. The first reward is a coffee package - specifically our limited edition Cafedu - Rwanda Gitega. You can't buy it anywhere else and we only have a limited number. The second reward will warm your heart - it is the adoption of one of our plants, which will bear your name. You will take care of her (or him?) and for every month of its survival you have free coffee on us
Find out more in the rewards category. Thanks again, thanks, thanks for your help.