Hospůdka U Lucyka

Prosim o finanční podporu, aby mohla hospůdka fungovat.V této Covid době jsem přišla o veškeré finance..potřebuji zaplatit poplatky ktere činní cca 25 tis.měsíčně.Děkuji srdečně všem.

112 fans contributed anonymously
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Dárkový poukaz
...hmmm, smažáček, hranolky a tatarka :) a za půl hoďky znova :)
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.94
(CZK 500)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Strejda Radar pozdravuje
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Večeře pro dvě osoby
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.94
(CZK 500)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Večeře pro dvě osoby
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.94
(CZK 500)
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Ať to vyjde!
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Dárkový poukaz
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.94
(CZK 500)
Dec 18, 2020
Hodně štěstí!
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Večeře pro dvě osoby
Amount Contributed
EUR 19.94
(CZK 500)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Nidda je řeka ve spolkové zemi Hesensko v Německu. Pramení v pohoří Vogelsberg a proudí směrem do 90 km vzdáleného Frankfurtu nad Mohanem, kde se vlévá do Mohanu. Zde má průměrný průtok ca 13 m³/s.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
Dec 18, 2020
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.

EUR 3,075
pledged of EUR 1,196


257% completed

253 contributors pledged

Art, Antivir

Kokořín, Středočeský kraj, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on Jan 17, 2021 at 11:49.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 200

    Poděkování a zveřejnění jména na stránkách hospůdky.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.97
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 36
    Večeře pro dvě osoby

    Večeře pro dvě osoby v neomezeném výběru.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.94
    (CZK 500)
  • sold 14
    Dárkový poukaz

    Dárkový poukaz v hodnotě 500 kč.Neomezené využití na nápoje nebo jídlo.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.94
    (CZK 500)