Roman Kreuziger, Peter Sagan and their friends want to improve road safety by ensuring that motorists leave a gap of 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists. They have launched an educational campaign in the media and among the public. Become a part of it!
Author: Iniciativa 1,5 metru
1995-1999 - Gymnázium v Bystřici n/Pern. 1999-2006 - ČVUT v Praze, fakulta stavební, obor geodézie a kartografie 2006-2008 - inženýrský geodezie.. sračky, sračky, sračky.. krásné období :o) 2008-2009 - ingeneering surveying at SAL (Surrvey Associates Limited) - London- ach můj milovaný Londýn.. :o) 2009-? Katastrální pracoviště Praha-město