Debut album of the music band Secret Session

Hello! We are Secret Session, we play Pestrock and we are swimming in the ocean of liquid light. A blooming mixture of songs waits for you and we would love to put them out on our debut record. Will you help us? Choose your reward and join our band!

Author: Secret Session

Ján Kicko

EUR 3,642
pledged of EUR 3,000


121% completed

111 contributors pledged

Music, Art


All or nothing. Project finished on Jan 6, 2019 at 23:19.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 6
    Instant KARMA

    You just pass by, this seems sympathic to you and you like to help?

    So it is the right thing for you, since seven is the number of perfection. the universe knows it and it will pay you back.

    Thanks for the support!

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7
  • sold 18
    Album in MP3 files

    If you listen to music mostly on your phone, or you would like to have in your computer a folder with the name Secret Session, empethrees are the ideal choice.

    Of course we add also a digital booklet so you have an idea what we are talking 'bout.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9
  • sold 12
    Album in MP3 files + the ticket to the release party concert

    Come and experience the difference between the album sound on an the mp3  and the live concert sound on one of the two record release parties.

    You can compare it on one of the two welcome celebrations, one will be in Bratislava and the other in Zvolen or Banská Bystrica.

    You already have a ticket.


    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 14
  • sold 28
    Album on CD

    Our debut CD recorded profesionally with passion for you or your loved ones.

    Fast, slow, happy, sad songs sometimes dead serious, sometimes serious fun. Glady, we can give you the CD (if you want signed) in person on a concert or also in Bratislava, Zvolen or Brno.

    The shipping costs in Slovakia are covered by by us, outside of it by you. We always look for the cheapest and safest way to send it anywhere.
    Feel free to contact us

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 16
  • sold 26
    Album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    You love to hold a physical copy and even more you like to crank it up on your music system, in your car, or on a great stereo set-up? We offer a honestly released CD with full color booklet, with lyrics and all that comes with it.

    And since you are a prowd owner of the disc, we will be happy to sign it for you on the release party, for which you already will have the ticket. One concert will be in Bratislava, the other in Zvolen or Banská Bystrica.

    If you are interested, we can also send the CD to you, the inland costs are our treat.

    For outland shiping costs please get in touch with us.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19
  • remaining 6 from 20
    Hand made band T- SHIRT+ album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    You like to listen to us, celebrate with us Chceš nás počúvať, tešiť sa s nami na koncerte a ešte nás chceš aj hrdo nosiť na hrudi?

    Ivi is doing upcycling even before the term even existed. Well-chosen T-shirts will be resurected by batik life water and some other craft techniques and the result will be a uniqe band shirt.

    Belinda and Ivi will with their own hands made a thing for you, that noone else in the whole world will ever own, and you can even wear it!

    The T-shirts are for girls, boys, various sizes, shapes and types. First clicked, first served.


    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 44
  • remaining 4 from 4
    Guitar LESSON + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    Our six string guitar hero Danko Kéry teaches guitar playing for some years. It does not matter if you go for the basics, improvisation, hacks or you want to get deeper into our songs. All this can be done.

    Classical or rock guitar lesson can be fited for beginners or advanced players. Of course you will get our physical album and the release party gig ticket.

    One lesson take one hour and half and in case of interest it will take place in Bratislava, Brno or Zvolen.


    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 66
  • sold 0
    Liquid light WORKSHOP + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    You always wonderd, how do all theese colors flow on and throught the oils, waters and other magic fluids?

    How does it work, or it all moves and "lives" just by accident? Of course it is secret, but Ivi is willing to blurt it out and try it out with you (maybe also on a concert).

    The liquid light workshop can be held in Bratislava or in Zvolen.

    Yes, you can do it while listening to our (your) CD, just don’t wear your best clothes...

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 77
  • sold 2
    PLAY WITH US on a CONCERT + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    Choose your instrument, choose your song (songs) and we play together! In the rehersall room we practice it and then we rock the crowd. You live for gutiar solos, bang on drums, keyboards or worship a cymbalo or ninera?

    All is fine, it doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or a stage god.

    If you feel our songs, this is your chance.
    And if you will be very good, you can never know...


    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99
  • remaining 1 from 3
    WE’LL WRITE YOU A SONG + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    How does it feel, if somene writes you a song? The times of bards are long gone, but not for us oldschoolers!  A song made for you from us to you or your loved ones as an ultra original present.

    You have an idea about the theme, style, poetics or even have a name, lyrics or melody? If you want you can be there with us during the whole process. If you don’t mind, we can try on our own!

    We can dedicate the song to you on the release party gig and if we love it and you will allow it, we can play it untill the end of all time.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 123
  • remaining 4 from 5
    Private ACOUSTIC CONCERT + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    We will come wherever you say to play an unplugged concert. It can be your living room, cottage or even outdoors on some mountain, or on a private party in your favorite space. And all in between. 

    Without electricity or with minimal gear we can play under the moon or candle light. All softer and more silent versions, the best way we can.

    Travel costs in Slovakia are covered by us. You just must come up with a place.

    By agreement we can also traver to another country!


    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 321
  • remaining 2 from 3
    We write and RECORD a song for you + album on CD + the ticket to the release party concert

    You or the lucky person that will get this as a present from you will have his/her own song, like noone else! We can write a sountrack to the deepest secrets, hopes or fears or whatever you choose. Firstly we write it (if you want together), then we figure out the best arangements and sounds and then we record it for eternity!

    We will spend a day in a decent recording studio and soon after you will have from us the soundtrack to your soul. Does it sound like psychedelic space flight, odd time prog with weird harmonies or like a roots blues? Or all mixes in one! 

    It would be a privilege for us to translate You into a song and record it in great quality for all your grandchildren and their grand grand...


    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 333
  • remaining 2 from 3
    Private CONCERT + the ticket to the release party concert

    You either have good neighbours, you live far from people or you want to organise a party (private party) concert that noone will forget? 

    Only that way we can come and play our f ull power set with our liquid light show, tons of gear, dynamics, impro a our beloved songs. If you die for some cover  song, and wont let us go without it, we can see what we can do...

    We come anywhere in Slovakia, we pay our travel costs, highway stamps, speed penalties and you the electricity:)

    We also can come outside Slovakia by agreement. 


    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 499