Let's open the most beautiful open-air stage in Prague. Let's bring United Islands of Prague to the unique scenery of Kinský Garden. We are addressing our friends to support the location of the event's main stage. Thank you for your support!
Author: United Islands
I am constantly wondering if I already had my 15 minutes of fame or it is still about to come. Rabbit people love to play under the moonlight. Quite fanciful, they respond to the power and beauty of nature and are always being pulled one way and the other to examine what they find. They are the luckiest of all twelve signs! But, it's more a result of "the harder I work, the luckier I get" than taking crazy chances. They are cautious, conservative, bright, and have a good head for business. Supremely pleasant to have around, these affectionate, naturally shy peacemakers seldom ever lose their temper. They sometimes appear to be singing the blues because of a natural but short-lived tendency towards despondency. Rabbits always inspire deep admiration and trust. The Fire Rabbits stand out from the crowd of other Rabbits. You might expect Rabbits to be passive, quiet, and loners. Not so, the Fire Rabbits. These extroverts are leaders of the pack! Fire Rabbits intuitively sense the ri
Česká republika
All or nothing. Project finished on May 29, 2014 at 00:20.