21. international festival of Local TV Golden Beggar

The Festival (IFoLT) is the only event of its kind in Europe. It is the broadest forum for connecting various cultural values and dialogues. The festival supports partnership and cooperation between creators of audiovisual works .

32 fans contributed anonymously
May 8, 2015
A festival poster and a ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Za : Jutka Rosenbergova - verím, že sa to podarí
Amount Contributed
EUR 50
May 7, 2015
A festival poster and a ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Andrea Král: držím palce!
Amount Contributed
EUR 50
May 7, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Anička Gajová: Som sympatizantkou tohto festival, a držím palce do ďalších rokov.
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
May 7, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
držíme palce :)
Amount Contributed
EUR 30
May 5, 2015
A festival poster, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Amount Contributed
EUR 20
May 4, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, a mug with a festival logo, a festival poster, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival…
Abyss s.r.o.
Amount Contributed
EUR 150
May 4, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Držím palce!
Amount Contributed
EUR 30
May 4, 2015
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
May 2, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Poznám tento festival a som rád, ze aj touto cestou mu viem pomoct k jeho pokracovaniu...verim, ze sa vam to podari..drzim palce.
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 30, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Lukáš Marcin : Držím palce festivalu Zlatý žobrák.
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 29, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Long Live the Golden Beggar!
Amount Contributed
EUR 30
Apr 29, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Verím myšlienke festivalu, preto ho podporujem!
Amount Contributed
EUR 30
Apr 29, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 29, 2015
A festival poster, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
V. V. : Prispel som ako priateľ s úctou a vďakou ľudom
Amount Contributed
EUR 29
Apr 29, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 29, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Peter Šerik: Nech sa dobrá vec podarí!
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 29, 2015
A photo size A4 of your choice from this page, festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website…
Ingrid Rajčoková: Som rada, že môžem podporiť festival a pevne verím, že sa organizátorom podari pripraviť také kvalitné podujatie, ako vždy.
Amount Contributed
EUR 500
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 28, 2015
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 28, 2015
Festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Za Katarinu Kurucovú : som každoročnou sučasťou festivalu, neviem si predstaviť, žeby tento festival nepokračoval a nešíril svoju myšlienku ďalej.
Amount Contributed
EUR 300
Apr 28, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Poznám tento festival a bola by škoda, keby nepokračoval.
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 28, 2015
Francúzska aliancia Košice želá novému ročníku veľa úspechov.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 28, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 27, 2015
A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Amount Contributed
EUR 30
Apr 27, 2015
Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk
Beáta Gogová - Košičanka roka 2010 - podporujem festival Zlatý žobrák
Amount Contributed
EUR 10
Apr 27, 2015
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.
Apr 25, 2015
Amount Contributed
The user did not wish to publish the amount of the contribution.

EUR 13,080
pledged of EUR 12,000


109% completed

140 contributors pledged

Film, Media

Košice, Košický kraj, Slovenská republika

All or nothing. Project finished on May 25, 2015 at 08:18.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 60

    Publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 10
  • sold 17

    A festival poster, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 20
  • sold 15

    A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 30
  • sold 21

    A festival poster and a ceramic magnet with a festival motive, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 50
  • sold 13

    A ceramic magnet with a festival motive, a mug with a festival logo, a festival poster, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 100
  • sold 9

    Festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 200
  • sold 4

    A photo size A4 of your choice from this page, festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 500
  • remaining 1 from 3

    Publication of the name of a partner in all promotion materials, a photo size A4 of your choice from this page, festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 1,000
  • remaining 1 from 2

    Publication of the name of a partner in all promotional materials, a photo size A4 of your choice from this page, festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk and a catalogue, a DVD from the Award Ceremony and a DVD with awarded films

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 1,500
  • remaining 1 from 1

    Publication of the name of a partner in all promotion materials, a photo size A4 of your choice from this page, festival promotion materials, publication of the name and acknowledgement on the festival website www.festival.sk and a catalogue, a DVD from the Award Ceremony and a DVD with awarded films, one night accomodation for 2 people and presence at the Award Ceremony 2015 in Košice

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 3,000