Turn the idea into a book - Advent round the World

Come and have fun with the 1st Czech-English Advent calendar. No chocolates. Instead, you discover the magic of Christmas in 24 stories from all over the World. Have fun with your kids, write a letter to Santa and cut out characters for a nativity set.

EUR 3,095
pledged of EUR 2,910


106% completed

138 contributors pledged

Literature, Education

Havířov, Moravskoslezský kraj, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on Nov 7, 2021 at 10:49.

Show all rewards

Are you a mum, dad, or perhaps a teacher who wants to get in the Christmas mood before Christmas knocks on your door? That's how I felt. I guess that shopping malls won´t do the job, so I took the chance and started writing my book.

I wanted to be tuned in for Christmas, even if I had my kids sitting home with snotty noses and no sign of snow outside. Whether you are in a similar situation or not, you can get cozy with this book, read about interesting Christmas customs every day, and I believe you will hear about most of them for the first time. You will entertain your kids by cutting out figures for a nativity set and enjoy the time spent together by reading and creating. You can also write a letter to Santa.

Yes, the 1st Czech-English Advent Calendar is a book. You will definitely find no chocolates in it! You may not hang it on your wall, but you can browse through the pages and learn a lot of interesting facts about Christmas and I believe that reading together and other Christmas activities will bring a pleasant and joyful mood that sparks up your days before Christmas Day comes!

The idea for a book came up, and I started an email marathon and wrote emails to friends from abroad asking for a few lines about celebrating Christmas on the other side of the world. I sent emails to more than 100 different people. And it worked! Some gave me contacts for other people, and finally, after a few intense months, I found 24 people from around the world who described how they celebrate Christmas.

In the book, 24 people will describe in an engaging way how they celebrate Christmas. Stories are written by children or adults, and you will see how they all perceive Christmas in a completely different way. For some kids, the ideal gift is a new mobile phone for others, it can be crayons. Every family has its traditions and every country has some Christmas customs that you will not find in other countries.

You can browse a total of 160 pages and color images will smile at you from each page. I made the Czech and English versions almost identical so that you could really deduce words or whole sentences and also learn some Czech while reading.

I guess it wasn´t by accident, that I met an excellent illustrator Petra Oringle Řehová at some Christmas fair a few years ago.  The illustrations she created, based on photos of people who sent me their Christmas stories, are gorgeous. She also drew a richly decorated Christmas tree, and you can use the cut-out characters to form an international nativity set around it.

Oh, and if you learn a few Czech words along the way, it will be a great reward for me as a teacher. The book is written as a Czech-English mirror version.

At the end of the book, you will find a few lines with instructions regarding the cut-outs. The characters have numbers so that you know which day they belong to.

There are paper attachments where you will find 24 characters, a colour border for a letter to Santa, and a Christmas tree. As a bonus, you can download the cut-outs next year via the link included in the book.

Our Maty has grown up but he still resembles his illustrated figure.

Have a look at the pages in this book...

You will read about a few strange things. For example, my husband, as a vegan would never touch the Christmas delicacy they serve in Greenland.

And would you believe that in one European country, there is a legal obligation to answer the letters kids send to Santa? You can even find a Christmas recipe from South America in the book.

Getting curious? Get the book. I believe that you will find many more interesting facts that you may not have known about.

Why do I need this project?

I originally released this book into the world as an eBook, but my friends told me that they would like to hold it in their hands and browse through the pages. I let the idea rest, and 3 years later, I started working on a printed book. I upgraded it to a Czech-English version.

Having a book printed is a costly affair, especially when it is a full-color book. That's why it just won't work without you. I believe that you like the idea and will help me get it among as many families, kindergartens, schools, orphanages, and hospitals as possible.

I am a mother, an English teacher, a traveller, a businesswoman, and the one with her head in the clouds, striving for a change.

You can find me on Facebook and Instagram as Procestujme svět. And also on www.lucieletochova.cz

I love travelling and the diversity it offers. I'm gradually debugging the website and adding more English there. I want to show people that they can communicate in English even with a smaller vocabulary. Blocks and the fear of speaking English are mainly in our heads. In the 20 years of teaching English, I see it today and every day.

I organize weekend conversation stays abroad to show people that they CAN speak English! I am also preparing an online course on this topic, but it is still only an outline.

I believe that this book will make you feel festive. Should you buy it, or choose one of the other rewards. I hope that together we will participate in its publication.

As I am grateful for you being a part of this book-printing project here, I offer the book Advent round the world for a pre-sale price of about 15% discount, and you also have my BIG THANKS!


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 3
    Good feelings and my thanks

    Do you like the idea of a printed Advent calendar in the form of a book, but you don't need to buy one? Simply support the project.

    You can increase the reward if you wish.


    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 4.42
    (CZK 111)
  • sold 11
    Ebook Advent round the World

    If you don't need to hold a paper book in your hands, the electronic version is the right thing for you.

    This reward contains the English version (e-book), a PDF format with colourful attachments.

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.93
    (CZK 249)
  • sold 58
    The book Advent round the World

    The book is on its way. Thank you!

    Relax and enjoy browsing through the Christmas stories that will put a smile on your face.

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 13.51
    (CZK 339)
  • sold 8
    A signed book with a personal note

    Would you like to give the book to someone or have it signed by the author? As you wish. I will sign the book for you and add a personal note.

    Let me know in the notes whom I should sign the book for.

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.11
    (CZK 379)
  • sold 15
    The book Advent round the World + a memory game

    A book with cut-outs and a letter for Santa is nice, but do you want more? In this reward, you will also receive a memory game consisting of illustrations from the book. The illustrations include characters from the stories and also other pictures that you will find in the book.

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.51
    (CZK 389)
  • sold 0
    All 3 electronic versions of Advent round the World

    Are you a language enthusiast like me and would you like to see what languages are spoken in the countries that appear in the book? Greenlandic is my favorite, but other languages are cool too.

    For this reward, you will receive 3 electronic versions of the book: Czech, English, and the
    international version, as well. It consists of 24 stories that are written in the mother tongue of each person.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.90
    (CZK 449)
  • sold 22
    2 Books Advent round the World

    Do you want to give the book to someone but also keep one for yourself? Great! In this case, you will benefit from this reward and, in addition, you will help to produce less packaging and thus save work for me and for the planet. ;)

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 24.68
    (CZK 619)
  • sold 0
    Book + language consultation

    Do you want to work on your English? (Well, why not.) I'll be happy to help you with that. In a 45- minute online consultation, I will tell you how you are doing, regarding your spoken English, and show you mobile apps or websites that will help you improve your English. I will also add the book Advent round the World.

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.05
    (CZK 779)
  • remaining 12 from 15
    A book launch ticket

    I would like to see you at the book launch, which is scheduled for mid-November and will take place in Havířov.

    The book will be introduced by Hana Machalová, my favorite traveler, and if at least 10 of you support me by buying the ticket, Patrik Kee, a voice improviser with an angelic voice, will also perform for us.

    You will find yourself in the company of interesting people and you will meet those who have helped me with the book. I believe we will have a great time.

    You will also get my book with a personal note.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.76
    (CZK 1,499)
  • remaining 3 from 4
    A talk for Primary schools or Kindergartens

    If you are a school or a kindergarten in the Moravian-Silesian region and you would like me to organise a Christmas talk with activities for children, then we can meet.

    I offer a Czech or English 40-minute talk with activities for your pupils. The ideal number of
    children is around 20 (one class).

    You will also receive the book and 4 memory games.

    I can come on a Monday or Friday in December. We will arrange the details in person.

    I look forward to seeing you!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 67.73
    (CZK 1,699)
  • remaining 8 from 15
    6 books + 1 free

    Are you a group of friends, a forest nursery, a school or a parents' club and you know that more people would appreciate such book?

    This great deal will bring you 1 book for free.

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 69.32
    (CZK 1,739)
  • remaining 5 from 5
    How about a dinner?

    If you like travelling and stories from the road, you are like me.

    So how about we meet for a dinner? Do you want to know what it's like to breastfeed in a police car in the Caribbean? Or what dilemma does a mother have when the child poops all over her on the plane?
    I will be happy to share my highlights from the Caribbean, Thailand but also from other European destinations and we can discuss this over dinner. Be my guest.

    The dinner can take place in Havířov or Ostrava, and we will fine-tune the details in person. Find my contact details in the links section.

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.55
    (CZK 2,999)
  • Sold out!!
    Early birds – for the quick ones

    You're the best! You are a few of the quickest who bought the book and helped me start this project. Thank you!

    Shipping within the Czech Republic is free. Contact me for shipping outside the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.12
    (CZK 279)