Number of projects found: 2
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    Barbora Mochowa is preparing a new video!

    Author: Barbora Mochowa

    After the song “True Colors”, which won with the jury in the national selection of Eurovision, I would like to give my fans another surprise. A new single called “Wait for Life” with beautiful visuals as accompaniment. Pick your reward and help make it!

    Pledged  EUR 3,634 of EUR 2,779

    130 % Successfully finished
    Project detail Project video
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    BARBORA MOCHOWA nahrává debutové CD!

    Author: Barbora Mochowa

    Pomozte mi nahrát moje první CD "Tears in the Pudding"! Bílý havran mi přinesl svědectví o smutku v radosti, o radosti ve smutku, musíte to slyšet...:)

    Pledged  EUR 2,633 of EUR 2,581

    102 % Successfully finished
    Project detail Project video