Shum Davar - Folklore Fusions

Shum Davar has finished recording the audio and video for the band's new album. Concerts are being cancelled and we now need you just right now. The end of this fundraise is coming, so lets release it with us in October 2020!

Author: Shum Davar

3 dni do konce!

Sep 28, 2020

Zbývají nám ještě 3 dni!

V současnosti je vás již 69 a nám chybí vybrat posledních 15% - konec akce je 1.října v 19:38

V posledním týdnu jste naprosto úžasně zabrali a zvedli významně náš projekt zde na HitHitu. Naplňuje nás to pocitem zadostiučinění, že naše práce má smysl. Nejen jsme společně přeskočili hranici 50%, ale stačí jeden SOUKROMÝ KONCERT a jeto doma! 

Co bude po skončení projektu na HitHit?

1. Pokud se zde vybere alespoň 100 000 Kč, bude označen za úspěšný. Provozovatel nám převede částku sníženou o poplatky a my Vám dodáme všechny odměny.

2. Pokud se tuto částku vybrat nepodaří, provozovatel vám vrátí do koruny všechny peníze, které jste na tento projekt dříve poslali. My bohužel v tomto případě nebudeme mít na vás kontakty a musíme doufat, že se rozhodnete udělat pár kliknutí navíc a ty samé odměny zakoupit na našem webu.

3. Budeme se ze všech sil snažit uskutečnit alespoň jeden křest alba, pokud možno veřejně. Když nám to bude znemožněno epidemiologickými opatřeními, chceme vám poskytnout stream. Zatím platí poslední verze, a to koncert na vzduchu ve vnitrobloku, v Kafe Petrohradská.


  • chystáme pro vás krátké video "making of"
  • u odměny "WAV" máte nově možnost obdržet formát HiRes, což je lahůdka pro všechny milovníky kvalitního poslechu ve vysokém rozlišení od zvukových mágů Saši Yasinského (Facebook) a Franty Blažka (Múzy[k])
  • výroba CD je zadána!
  • firma Logosign nás podpořila výrobou vizitek, grafik formátu A6 a bannerů na pódia, děkujeme!!!

EUR 4,089
pledged of EUR 3,974


102% completed

97 contributors pledged

Music, Design


All or nothing. Project finished on Oct 1, 2020 at 19:38.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • remaining 30 from 50
    Donation with no reward

    Donate a sum of your choice. Thank you for your support :-)

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.92
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 70 from 100

    CD signed by the band members. Delivered at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.90
    (CZK 400)
  • remaining 88 from 100
    WAV & Graphics

    Digital audio format (WAV/MP3/FLAC) with graphics (A6 format) signed by the band members on graphics (A6 format). Delivered electronically + at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.90
    (CZK 400)
  • remaining 9 from 20
    FaceMask & WAV & Graphics

    Shum Davar cotton face mask & all of the rewards for "WAV & Graphics". The face masks are made by in a limited quantity. Delivered electronically + at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.84
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 16 from 20
    Bag & WAV & Graphics

    Original textile fairtrade bag, with hand-painted Hebrew symbol SHIN & all of the rewards for "WAV + graphics". Presented together with in a limited quantity. Delivered electronically + at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.84
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 90 from 100
    Complete CD Discography

    Complete discography on a CD – Lieben (2016), Tbiliso (2017), and Folklore Fusions (2020) with a handwritten message from the band members. Delivered at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 35.76
    (CZK 900)
  • remaining 99 from 100
    Complete WAV Discography & Graphics

    Complete discography in digital audio format (WAV/MP3/FLAC) – Lieben (2016), Tbiliso (2017), and Folklore Fusions (2020) with a handwritten message from the band members on graphics. Delivered electronically + at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 35.76
    (CZK 900)
  • remaining 2 from 3
    Music lesson w Aliaksandr

    Aliaksandr Yasinski will meet you in Prague and give you a music lesson after specifying the content in advance. There is quite big range: playing the bayan (button accordion) for beginners or masters, musical composition or sound production.

    Btw, wrote an article about Sasha!

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.61
    (CZK 1,500)
  • remaining 1 from 3
    Haircut by Gugar

    Our accordionist Gugar is also a hairdresser. He will give you a basic hairdress and paly you a song on accordion. All will happen in his salon In Prague, nerby subway C, station Ládví.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.61
    (CZK 1,500)
  • remaining 7 from 10
    Pillow & WAV & Graphics

    Shum Davar Folklore Fusions pillow & all of the rewards for "WAV & Graphics". The pillows are made by and in a limited quantity. Delivered electronically at the CD launch or by mail.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 99.34
    (CZK 2,500)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    Video Bonus!

    We've made something extra from the live recording session in the Múzy[k] Studio. If you "buy" this video, we will acknowledge our gratitude in the credits as well as when we meet in person.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 198.69
    (CZK 5,000)
  • remaining 2 from 5
    Private Concert

    Invite Shum Davar and we'll come and play you a concert (ca 120 minutes, for max 100 persons) at a prearranged time. We will come anywhere around the EU, travel costs not included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 596.07
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1

    Be a patron of the new Shum Davar CD and invite us to one of your parties … ;-) You will get our complete discography both on CD and digital audio format, face mask, pillow, we'll acknowledge our gratitude in the credits and play you a show at a prearranged time. We will come anywhere around the EU, travel costs not included.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,390.82
    (CZK 35,000)