V rámci kampaně Dole dobrý tě naučíme, jak předcházet a včas rozpoznat sexuálně přenosná onemocnění. Zmíníme ale také prevenci a léčbu neplodnosti, i dosud tabuizovaná témata jako je inkontinence a erektilní dysfunkce. #doledobry
Author: Loono
I studied High School of Telecommunications Engineering but during this time I fell in love to filmmaking so after my graduation I went to the Film Academy of Miroslav Ondricek in Pisek where I finished Bachelor of Arts in 2008. I worked two years in media industry but after visiting Cannes Lions International festival of Creativity in 2010 I moved to advertising industry. I also got creative diploma at Cannes Lions Creative Academy (headed by creative legend Bob Isherwood), where I met a lot of creative and inspirational people. As you can see I’m lucky enough to have turned curiosity into a career.
Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česká republika