Channk's debut album, all inclusive!

Hello, my name is Channk and I would love to ask you for a favour! I am preparing my first ever album and I need every hand available to help me produce my song in the best quality available! Would you mind helping me...? :)

Author: Channk

"Kouzlo závorek" je venku!

Apr 17, 2021

Dámy a pánové,

první Channkovo album Kouzlo závorek je nyní dostupné na všech streamovacích platformách včetně Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music apod.! Dále je album dostupné ke koupi na iTunes, Bandcampu a dalších internetových obchodech! 

Apple Music, iTunes

Chtěl bych ještě jednou Vám všem poděkovat za podporu, kterou jste celému projektu darovali. Obrovsky si Vaší přízně cením a dodnes nechápu, jak se mohlo stát to, že jsme to společně dotáhli až takto do konce! Pokud byste si chtěli nějaké písničky zazpívat, případně zahrát, texty a akordy naleznete na

Věřím, že si aktuálně kladete 2 velmi důležité otázky, a to: 

  • Kdy bude fyzické CD? Aktuálně už je ve výrobě! Na přelomu dubna a května by se mělo poštou dostat k těm z Vás, co si zvolili doručení dálkově. V případně osobního předání bude záviset na aktuální situaci (a taky aktuální poloze... Channka.) :D 
  • Kdy bude křest? To je zatím bohužel ve hvězdách. Vzhledem k tomu, že nemáme informace ohledně otevírání klubů a celkově kultury, nemůžeme aktuálně říct. Informovat vás však budeme co nejdříve. :) 

Budu moc rád, když nezanevřete na Channka a když budete Kouzlo závorek sdílet jako o život! Moc mi tím pomůžete dostat tento projekt ještě dál. :)

Děkuju moc! 


EUR 2,284
pledged of EUR 2,166


105% completed

61 contributors pledged

Music, Art

Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Česko

All or nothing. Project finished on Sep 27, 2020 at 20:08.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 2
    Let the strings ring!

    "Here, have some cash!"

    Thanks, mate! Every amount is important and I am really thankful for every euro you send me! :) 

    Thanks a lot! You will find your name afterwards on my website and social sites!

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.94
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 3
    What about a Channk card?

    "I want to be a certified fan!"

    Then add a little more and you will get something extraordinary - a card called "obChannka" which will always remind you of the good will you've done!

    We need an address for that, therefore please fill it in as well. 
    For shipments outside the Czech Republic, please be so kind and add a bit more (1-2 EUR) due to shipment costs. Thanks a lot!

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.88
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 4
    Let's get digital!

    "I live only once and online!"

    Me too! So if you are not really keen on getting a proper CD, you can also support me with buying a digital version of the CD!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.84
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 9
    1 CD personally

    "I want a proper one, signed!"

    As you wish! Your CD will be prepared for you and delivered (only in PRAGUE) personally by Channk! 

    One "obChannka" is also included!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.81
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 14 from 20
    Release party ticket

    "Pour some champagne on meee..."

    Even though I dare to say it's bit barbaric, it has to be done to wish loads of luck to the CD. And if you want to see it personally, buy a ticket!  

    One "obChannka" also included!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.81
    (CZK 300)
  • sold 5
    1 CD shipped

    "I can't get to Prague :("

    Don't worry! I can send the CD as well! Just fill in your address and the CD will be delivered to you.
    For shipments outside the Czech Republic, please ADD 5 EUR to the value of reward! Thanks a lot!

    "obChannka" included!

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 13.78
    (CZK 350)
  • remaining 9 from 20
    1 CD and a ticket

    "Freshly baked!"

    And also washed in the celebration champagne! You can see the release live and even get that CD rightaway! Isn't that a deal of the century?

    One "obChannka" included!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.69
    (CZK 500)
  • sold 1
    2 CDs personally

    "Two is more than one!"

    Totally agree! The rules are the same as for one CD! Delivery is possible only in Prague! 

    One "obChannka" included!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.63
    (CZK 600)
  • sold 0
    2 CDs shipped

    "Same here, but shipped please!" 

    As you wish, the rules are the same as for one CD shipeed, so just fill in your address and if you are not from the Czech Republic, please add 5 EUR to the final value of reward so I can cover the postage! 

    One "obChannka" included. :) 

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 25.60
    (CZK 650)
  • remaining 10 from 10
    Coffee time!

    If you would like to meet me and talk with me about the release, CD or anything else, then this is the reward you are looking for!
      Let's meet somewhere in Prague and I'll get you a coffee, a CD and also one "obChannka" and one hour of talking time :) 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.53
    (CZK 750)
  • remaining 6 from 10
    Beer time!

    If you would like to meet me and talk with me about the release, CD or anything else, then this is the reward you are looking for! Only this is the alcoholic version!

    Let's meet somewhere in Prague and I'll get you a beer, a CD and also one "obChannka" and one hour of talking time :) 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.53
    (CZK 750)
  • remaining 4 from 5
    Concert time!

    If a beer or a coffee aren't really the things for you, I can get you something more interesting! Let's meet in Prague and I invite you to join me for a concert. The ticket is included!

    One CD and "obChannka" are included as well!

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 33.47
    (CZK 850)
  • remaining 2 from 5
    Studio time!

    This is the reward for you, if you are a real Channk's fan! 

    You will get invited to spend an hour in the rocording stuido with us! We will pick you up in Prague, have a chat with you and for an hour, you can watch the process of making the CD! 

    One "obChannka" and 1 place on release party guestlist included!

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.07
    (CZK 1,500)
  • remaining 8 from 10
    Channk live!

    If you really wish to see me playing live, you can buy yourself a gig, 1 hour long! There may be some of your favourite songs included as well!

    The price does not include sound technics and for gigs out of the Czech Republic also transportation and accommodation costs. Those have to be covered by a buyer.

    2 CDs and 2 "obChannka" included, as well as 2 places on the release party guestlist. 

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118.13
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 1 from 3
    I believe I can fly!

    If you have always wished to fly a small plane, then Channk is there for you! You can buy yourself a 1,5-hour flight from Hradec Králové, CZ in Cessna 150! (The date depends on weather conditions and aircraft availibility)

    Up to 5 CDs, 5 "obChannka"s and 3 places on the guestlist included in this reward!

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 295.33
    (CZK 7,500)
  • remaining 2 from 2
    Main sponsor


    Thank you very very much! For this amount of money, you can choose up to 2 different rewards from the menu and I have also up to 10 CDs, 10 "obChannka"s and 4 places on the guestlist for you.

    Your name and your logo will also be displayed for 1 year on my website and on my social sites, as well as on all gigs that are going to be handled by Channk! 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 590.67
    (CZK 15,000)
  • Sold out!!
    SPECIÁL: Channkova rouška!

    "Módní doplněk za všechny prachy! To prostě musíš mít!"

    Jsi-li Channkův fanoušek, pak i vládní opatření si zamiluješ s Channkovou rouškou! Limitovaná edice Channkových roušek je zde, aby ochránila Tebe i okolí před kapénkami ve vzduchu.

    Odměna zahrnuje 1 roušku (design bude překvapením, ale čekat můžeš Channkovy barvy!) s kapsou na nanofiltr a poštovné po ČR/SR a samozřejmě velké díky. :)

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.84
    (CZK 250)
  • Sold out!!
    SPECIÁL: Buď slyšet!

    Chceš získat něco, co tady nikdo jiný nemá? BUĎ SLYŠET!

    Pokud si troufáš a chtěl/a bys být slyšet na CD, tahle odměna je přímo pro Tebe! Je jí jenom jeden kus, tak ber dokud je! A staň se součástí...! 

    CDčko k tomu je samozřejmostí! Doprava z Prahy do nahrávacího studia zajištěna. 

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.38
    (CZK 1,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Video Star!

    If you really wish to be a star, you can be a music video star! This rewards is really suitable for those who love to be filmed as they can afterwards see themselves in a Channk's music video!

    This reward does not cover your transportation and accommodation costs! 

    Up to 3 CDs, 5 "obChannka"s and 2 places on the guestlist for the release party included! 

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 196.89
    (CZK 5,000)