Hithit - how does it work?
All or nothing!
Our project has a maximum of 45 days to collect the required amount of funds. If the project does not make it, it does not get a single crown. So - we have to make it! :-)
I would like my reward posted, how do I pay for postage?
For all rewards that need to be posted within EU, please increase your donation in the second step of buying process. If your reward is postcards and bookmarks, please increase your donation by 6 EUR. If your reward is one of Pavel's drawings or graphic sheets that need the appropriate packaging, please increase the total amount by 30 - 40 EUR. In case you would like your reward to be sent outside EU, please contact us directly about the shipping costs.
Thank yout!
Oops..I forgot to pay for my shipping. What can I do?
No worries, we can handle it.
Please sent the remaining amount to my bank account DE64 6805 0101 0013 7666 85 and send your details in a message. Thanks!