In exchange for your contribution we will send you our new singles by email, always before their official release.
Feel free to pay more! :)
Reward delivery: not specified
EUR 7.97
(CZK 200)
sold 10
Badge The Silver Spoons + singles
A New Badge which you can pick up at any of our future concerts.
Reward delivery: not specified
EUR 9.96
(CZK 250)
sold 12
Bag The Silver Spoons + singles
Buy a Silver Spoons bag.
Reward delivery: on address,
in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 15.94
(CZK 400)
sold 20
T-shirt The Silver Spoons + singles
Buy a Silver Spoons t-shirt with the new design.
Reward delivery: on address,
in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
remaining 3
from 5
Signed pick or sticks from a concert + single
The title says it all, but you have to be at the concert. :)
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 19.92
(CZK 500)
sold 5
Coffee or beer with one of the guys + singles
Go for "one" with your favorite band member. Write us down in the note who you want to go with and leave your contact so he can get in touch with you!
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.91
(CZK 600)
sold 0
Thank you during gig + singles
We will thank you for your contribution during a live performance.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 23.91
(CZK 600)
remaining 10
from 10
Dinner or lunch + singles
Invite one of us for dinner and don't worry, we go Dutch. :) Leave us in the note your contact and which one of us you want to invite.
Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end
EUR 31.88
(CZK 800)
remaining 9
from 10
Singing or playing lesson + singles
Pick a musician and an instrument and learn something new from the guys! This goes for all levels, from Jimi Hendrix to reigning air-guitar champion.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 39.85
(CZK 1,000)
remaining 2
from 5
We will hand-write a poem for or about you + singles
Tell us who you are and we will send you a handwritten poem for or about you.
Reward delivery: on address,
in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 39.85
(CZK 1,000)
remaining 1
from 3
Become a roadie + singles
Contribute this sum and experience from the bands perspective our next gig in CZ or SK
Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end
EUR 199.24
(CZK 5,000)
remaining 5
from 5
Cameo in our video + singles
Contribute this sum and appear in our next video that we will share with the world!
Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end
EUR 199.24
(CZK 5,000)
remaining 5
from 5
Private acoustic concert + singles
Private acoustic concert at your party or at your home.
Reward delivery: on address,
in half a year after the Hithit project end
EUR 398.49
(CZK 10,000)
sold 1
Become a sponsor + singles
For this contribution you will become an official sponsor on the band's debut album and we will thank you directly on it! And here also: THANK YOU!
Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end
EUR 1,195.46
(CZK 30,000)
Sold out!!
Song about you + singles
Tell us something about you and we will write a short song that we will record and post on FB.
Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end
EUR 79.70
(CZK 2,000)
Sold out!!
Horse riding lessons with Augustin + singles
Spend a whole day in the Czech countryside with the band's frontman Augustine, and get a riding lesson from him. We will provide the horses, of course. ;)
Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end