To be just treated,or to be really cured? Do people with health issues and pharmaceutical companies, who are mainly interested in maximising their profits, follow the same goal? A documentary film about a journey back to health that is not paved by pills.
Author: Lenka Pipková
Are doctors, pharmaceutical companies and patient trying to reach the same goal, and that is full and permanent recovery? Or do some players on the health market have a different motivation, and we have become victims of pharmaceutical lobby?
The consumption of medicines is on the rise, yet, we are not any healthier than before. We have decided to find out why and look for a different way that would lead to long term and permanent solution to our health issues.
Follow with us the story of Jiri´s and a few others who have not been cured even after taking, testing, trzing, sitching, combining many different pills. And be sure that they are not suffering from anything unusual, but rather from diseases that trouble many of us such as depression, allergies, psoriasis, heart diseases or problems with musculosceletal system. They have decided to try a different approach and look closely into their lives for real causes of their illnesses that often lie in lifestyle, life approach and past traumas.
The principles of holistic medicine are simple but applying them into real life is a bit more tricky. Will our protagonists with the support of Dr. Hnízdil manage to free themselves from pills and diseases?