Jamming is an experimental art project in which artists with “learning disabilities” and “professional” artists collaborate. The money collected by this campaign will be used to fund our exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Art DOX in Prague.
Author: Barvolam, z. s.
Prague, Czech Republic
All or nothing. Project finished on Dec 17, 2016 at 17:36.
Jamming is an experimental art project in which artists with “learning disabilities” and “professional” artists collaborate. We took an approach that is common among musicians – jamming, collective improvisation - and applied it to painting. We are breaking barriers on various fronts: we believe that a painter does not need to be a lonely genius, and that people with “learning disabilities” and without do not have to live in separate worlds. The project is about cooperation, openness, creativity and the inclusion of people with “learning disabilities”. We believe that the label "learning disability" expresses only negative qualities (what someone is not able to do) and says nothing about somebody’s talent and ability. During the two and a half years that we are working on the project, we created a lot of great paintings that we will present in the spring of 2017 at an exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Art DOX in Prague. The money collected by this crowdfunding campaign will be used for art materials, the realization of the exhibition and printing of the catalogue.
The Jamming project started in 2014 in the Inventura Art Workshop. The Inventura Art Workshop is a studio for artists with learning disabilities, founded by Dutch visual artist Otto Kouwen. Previously, he had several jobs in social services, where he noticed that talented people with learning disabilities are often not adequately supported and do not have the opportunity to further develop their artistic talents.
In the Inventura Art Workshop the idea arose to take the approach of "jamming" - collective improvisation - from music and apply it to the visual arts. In the first tentative attempts participated two painters from the Inventura Art Workshop: Marie Kůsová and Vladimíra Müllerová, the workshop’s founder Otto Kouwen and painter Mirek Kaufman. These attempts were somewhat uncertain: it is an unusual step for painters to enter each other's personal space, of which for most of them the unfinished painting is a part. Over time, however, our courage increased and the project developed further: we experimented with various methods of collective painting and both the number of participants and the size of the canvasses kept growing.
During the first experiments we worked in pairs. Later we prepared several canvases and the participants switched at regular intervals. Presently we all paint simultaneously on one large canvas. The project has now a core team of five painters: Dagmar Filípková, Mirek Kaufman, Otto Kouwen, Marie Kůsová and Vladimíra Müllerová. Other artists with learning disabilities or autism, professional painters, students of the Academy of Fine Arts and painters with mental health problems from the A.R.T. project participated as guests.
During the two and a half years that we are working on the project, we created a lot of great paintings that we will present in the spring of 2017 at an exhibition at the Centre for Contemporary Art DOX in Prague. The exhibition will be curated by art brut expert Terezie Zemánková. Support the Jamming project; support the inclusion of people with learning disabilities in the art world!
Jamming is a project of the Inventura Art Workshop in cooperation with the Barvolam organization.
Inventura is an organization with a long experience with creative work with people with learning disabilities. In addition to the art workshop it runs a theater and film workshops. Inventura is known for its unconventional and innovative approach.
Barvolam is a new organization that specializes in the collaboration between professional artists and artists with learning disabilities.