SHAPEN – Let's start production of a new barefoot collection

We are SHAPEN a manufacturer of elegant barefoot shoes. Today we turn to the barefoot community, our loyal and new customers. With your help, we will start the production of a collection of shoes on new outsoles - from sneakers to elegant high boots.

Doslova cez noc ste nám pomohli dosiahnuť cieľovú čiastku ?. Ideme ďalej!

Sep 20, 2022

O takej podpore sa nám ani nesnívalo. Ďakujeme, veľmi si to vážime ?! 

Ako sme sľúbili, hneď po dosiahnutí cieľovej čiastky spúšťame výrobu topánok, aby ste ich mali čo možno najskôr. V najbližších hodinách a dňoch najprv vyrobíme potrebné množstvo podošiev. Kým budeme čakať na podošvy, naša Portugalská výroba sa pustí do príprav materiálov, komponentov a nasledne šitia samotných topánok. O priebehu výroby vás budeme pravidelne informovať ℹ.

Ešte stále však máme pred sebou 28 dní kampane ? na Hithit a to znamená množstvo odmien - krásnych topánočiek za ceny, ktoré sa už nebudú opakovať! Preto neváhajte a uchmatnite si svoj pár, rýchlo sa míňajú :). V najbližších dňoch vám všetky modely predstavíme ešte podrobnejšie na našich sociálnych sieťach: FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM.

Ako ďalší míľnik kampane si dávame čiastku 50 000 € / 1 200 000 Kč ?. Ak sa nám ju s vašou pomocou podarí pokoriť, pridáme do našej ponuky aj kožené prevedenie topánok. Pri čiastke 70 000 €  / 1 700 000 Kč pridáme aj veľkosti 35 a 47.

Ak máte nápad, alebo tip na odmenu neváhajte nám napísať na ?

EUR 67,955
pledged of EUR 20,000


339% completed

668 contributors pledged

Design, Fashion

All or nothing. Project finished on Oct 19, 2022 at 08:37.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 13

    Thank you for your donation allowing us to continue our work. It will help us to make the next step in to the world of barefoot footwear.
    We greatly appreciate your support.  
    Thank you  ?

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 8
  • remaining 139 from 200
    1 pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers for FAST customers

    A pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI vegan barefoot sneakers  for fast customers.

    30 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 39), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (Chic 36 - 43, Uni 36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 90
  • sold 0
    1 pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers

    A pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI vegan barefoot sneakers.

    26 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 34), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (Chic 36 - 43, Uni 36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers will be delivered to you in March 2023.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 95
  • sold 1
    1 pair of COZY winter boots

    A pair of COZY leather winter barefoot boots.

    26 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 36), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    COZY winter boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 103
  • remaining 59 from 150
    1 pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots for FAST customers

    A pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots made of vegan leather for fast customers.

    30 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 48), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 43) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    GLAM knee-high women's boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 111
  • sold 5
    1 pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI leather sneakers

    A pair of FEELIN CHIC (in White or Rose color) or FEELIN UNI (in White, Black&White and Black color)  leather barefoot sneakers.

    20% cheaper (you can save   EUR 30), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (Chic 36 - 43, Uni 36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers made from leather will be delivered in half a year (spring 2023).

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 111
  • sold 2
    1 pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots

    A pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots made of vegan leather.

    26 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 41), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 43) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    GLAM knee-high women's boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118
  • sold 4
    1 pair of GLAM leather elegant knee-high women's boots

    A pair of GLAM leather elegant knee-high women's boots.

    20% cheaper (you can save   EUR 40), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the boots and the size (36 - 44) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    GLAM leather knee-high women's boots will be delivered in half a year (spring 2023).

    Kožene elegantné barefoot čižmy GLAM vám doručíme do pol roka (jar 2023).

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 159
  • remaining 2 from 2
    20 pairs of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers

    20 pairs of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI vegan barefoot sneakers for wholesale customers.

    36 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 46 on one pair), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (Chic 36 - 43, Uni 36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers will be delivered to you in March 2023.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,660
  • remaining 2 from 2
    20 pairs of COZY winter boots

    20 pairs of COZY leather winter barefoot boots for wholesale customers.

    36 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 50 on one pair), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    COZY winter boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,780
  • Sold out!!
    1 pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers for the FASTEST customers

    A pair of FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI vegan barefoot sneakers for the fastest customers.

    34 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 44), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (Chic 36 - 43, Uni 36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    FEELIN CHIC or FEELIN UNI sneakers will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 85
  • Sold out!!
    1 pair of COZY winter boots for the FASTEST customers

    A pair of COZY leather winter barefoot boots for the fastest customers.

    34 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 47), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    COZY winter boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 92
  • Sold out!!
    1 pair of COZY winter boots for FAST customers

    A pair of COZY leather winter barefoot boots for fast customers.

    30 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 42), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 46) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    COZY winter boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 97
  • Sold out!!
    1 pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots for the FASTEST customers

    A pair of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots made of vegan leather for the fastest customers.

    34 % cheaper (you can save  EUR 54), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 43) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    GLAM knee-high women's boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 105
  • Sold out!!
    10 pairs of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots

    10 pairs of GLAM elegant knee-high women's boots made of vegan leather for wholesale customers.

    35 % cheaper (you can save   EUR 56 on one pair), compared to the future retail price.
    You will be able to choose the color of the sneakers and the size (36 - 43) after the end of the campaign. Via e-mail, we will send you simple instructions on how to choose shoes directly in our e-shop. Shipping is not included in the reward price.

    GLAM knee-high women's boots will be delivered to you in November 2022.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,030