Upcoming action-adventure game - 1428: Shadows over Silesia

Become a part of the story of a new dark action-adventure game with fantasy elements, set in real medieval Europe. You can pre-order the game to support the author, as well as to get exclusive early access to the demo, alpha and beta versions of the game.

Author: KUBI Games

Slyšte, slyšte! Všem přispěvatelům přináším aktuální novinky!

Feb 6, 2022

Alpha je venku!

Ode dneška je ke stažení přispěvatelům na úrovni Hejtman a vyšší první Alpha verze. Po dohodě s vámi (na Discordu) jsem se rozhodl vydávat obsah postupně, po jednotlivých kapitolách. Díky tomu startuje Alpha o něco dříve a minimálně každý měsíc do ní přibude nový obsah. Začínáme druhou kapitolou. Pokud sis koupil přístup k Alphě, najdeš Steam klíč v seznamu odměn na webu.

Datum vydání

Konečně upřesňuji datum vydání hry. Bude to v září 2022! Veřejné demo vyjde v létě. Všichni Rytíři se také mohou těšit na přístup do Bety, která odstartuje v létě. V červnu, nebo červenci se připojíte k Alpha hráčům.

Údaje pro doručení odměn

Na závěr bych chtěl opět apelovat na všechny, aby si co nejdříve doplnili údaje v Zóně pro příspěvatele na webu (tady: https://shadows1428.com/cs/backers/). Pokud jsi tak ještě neučinil, vyplň si velikost trička, adresu, ale také pojmenování postavy, věnování, poděkování na webu i Discord jméno. Pokud to neuděláš včas, hrozí, že ti nebudou moci být odměny doručeny! Pokud by něco nefungovalo jak má, nebo budeš mít nějaké dotazy, neváhej mě kontaktovat na e-mailu support@shadows1428.com.

A to je pro dnešek vše! Pokud tam zatím nejsi, připoj se do skvělé fanouškovské komunity na našem Discordu. Přispěvatelé mají přístup do VIP sekce, kde sdílím vždy ty nejčerstvější informace. Stačí kliknout na odkaz https://discord.com/invite/avabBNY. Jenom tady máš navíc jedinečnou možnost sdílet feedback a ovlivnit tak budoucí podobu hry.

EUR 24,108
pledged of EUR 19,869


121% completed

597 contributors pledged

Technology, Games

All or nothing. Project finished on Oct 7, 2021 at 09:02.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 12

    • Special role on the Discord channel 
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Note: You can increase the amount at any time during the payment process to throw in a little extra

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 7.95
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 137

    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel 
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.45
    (CZK 590)
  • sold 2

    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel 
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.39
    (CZK 790)
  • remaining 50 from 100
    Knight (limited)

    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Early bird discount for the 100 fastest.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 33.78
    (CZK 850)
  • sold 2

    • T-shirt with the game logo
    • Game logo badge
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    • Special role on the Discord channel (Halberdier)
    Delivery of physical rewards is possible only in the Czech or Slovak Republic, not in other countries.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 35.37
    (CZK 890)
  • sold 3

    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 37.75
    (CZK 950)
  • remaining 36 from 100
    Hetman (limited)

    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Early bird discount for the 100 fastest.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.34
    (CZK 990)
  • sold 8

    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 43.31
    (CZK 1,090)
  • sold 9
    Head hetman

    • Steam key with personal dedication
    • T-shirt with the game logo
    • Game logo badge
    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Delivery of physical rewards is possible only in the Czech or Slovak Republic, not in other countries.

    Reward delivery: on address, in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.08
    (CZK 1,990)
  • remaining 120 from 200

    • Exclusive Limited Xzone Edition
    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Delivery of physical rewards is possible only in the Czech or Slovak Republic, not in other countries.

    Reward delivery: on address, in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.08
    (CZK 1,990)
  • remaining 13 from 30

    • Opportunity to name a living or dead character in the game
    • Steam key with personal dedication
    • T-shirt with the game logo
    • Game logo badge
    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Delivery of physical rewards is possible only in the Czech or Slovak Republic, not in other countries.

    Reward delivery: on address, in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118.82
    (CZK 2,990)
  • remaining 37 from 40

    • Coffee with the author in Brno
    • Exclusive Limited Xzone Edition
    • T-shirt with the game logo
    • Game logo badge
    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Delivery of physical rewards will take place in person at the event in Brno, Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 158.55
    (CZK 3,990)
  • remaining 4 from 10

    • VIP invitation to the release party with the authors in Brno
    • Exclusive Limited Xzone Edition
    • T-shirt with the game logo
    • Game logo badge
    • Early access to the alpha version
    • Early access to the beta
    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Delivery of physical rewards will take place in person at the event in Brno, Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 238.03
    (CZK 5,990)
  • Sold out!!
    Halberdier (limited)

    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel 
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Early bird discount for the 100 fastest.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.47
    (CZK 490)
  • Sold out!!
    Crossbowman (limited)

    • Early access to the demo
    • Game soundtrack (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Full game for PC  (digitally distributed via Steam)
    • Special role on the Discord channel 
    • Name in the list of contributors on the website
    Early bird discount for the 100 fastest.

    Reward delivery: in over a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 27.42
    (CZK 690)