Be part of Milli´s new CD and „Homage To My Roots“ project!

I´ve been working on multimedia “Homage To My Roots“ project. I will bring you new songs that are interconnected with visual art, exhibitions, concerts and workshops. Be a part of the story which is a journey to courage, hope, and respect. Thank you!

New CD "To My Roots" has been born!

Apr 21, 2017

Hello everyone! A great news for you! The new CD "To My Roots" has been born and you can get it here on Supraphon website, if it´s not your HitHit reward. If so, I will send you the CD as soon as possible.

The CD launch performance at Prague Jazz Dock Club was wonderful, full of people and very nice atmosphere. There are a few reviews (for now just in Czech) HERE or HERE or an interview on the Czech National Radio Vltava (Mozaika). I´m going to finish other things connected with this project as the paintings or workshops etc. You´ll find all project information on my WEBSITE or Facebook. There is also an interactive competition. Unfortunatelly there are two little grammar mistakes on the CD, even if we made all the corrections precisely. Who finds them, I will correct them personally and you will get a nice surprise. :-) Life´s all about the awareness, improvement and acceptance of the mistakes we do...

                                        I wish you all the best, good health and love...


Photo by Jan Přibylský, 2017

Wish at the end of the year...

Dec 31, 2016

I´m sending you Winter and "Almost Early Spring" greeting. Wish us all growing and blooming together. And soon CD recording! Best, Milli

Greeting after successful completion - 193 Roots and 111% (almost 112%) :-)

Nov 26, 2016

Dear Roots Contributors and dear all,

I must admit I´m happy this HitHit crowd funding has finished. At the beginning 45 days seemed to be quite short time but then one perceives it as really long time to work on it. So I´m excited we´ve achieved it and I have the financial support to realize my "Homage To My Roots" project for you all. Below you can see our sketch where all the Contributors have their names and I respect those of you who want to be hidden in the ground (you have your anonymous "A" next to each Root). :-)

I wish you to have nice and calm Pre - Christmas time with your friends and family and hope to see you soon. I´ll be relaxing now and then work a lot on the rehearsals and recording so I will let you know the news then. We already have the rehearsals and studio dates arranged! Keep fingers crossed, I also wish you good luck in everything you´re doing. Take care and THANK YOU!

18 hours until the end - last day and 190 Roots, 110%! Retrospective...

Nov 23, 2016

Wow! Our Tree has 190 Roots (plus mine and my band colleagues´) and we have almost 111% - thanks to you we may achieve them! I want to share some music and arts memories. Ten years ago I started to perform at the gigs and since 2003 I´ve been exhibiting my works of art. I´ve been singing, playing, painting and sewing since childhood but never performed before...

The following photo is dated 2006 and the other picture is one year older. I printed a big linocut for the first time. It was at the University in Hradec Králové. During those ten musical and thirteen visual arts years I stepped over many obstacles of my inner fears to be able to go on. I´ve been learning a lot and will be learning a lot to keep your trust and support in myself and my creative work alive. I´m arranging a little surprise for the last eight contributors - you will choose either one free MP3 song or a video of my very first jazzy performance at the Jazz Dock Club, Prague (2009).

Milli with Los Rumberos Band in Kralupy nad Vltavou, 2006

   Milli printing the first linocut in 2005

2 days and 22 hours - 43rd day and 178 Roots! Many thanks for 108%...

Nov 21, 2016

I´m really grateful there are 178 of you - great Contributors / Roots and we have 108%! I´ve just added a few new rewards as they were sold out during last weekend. So hopefully we´ll have financial support for our book and we will see if e-book or the printed one!

Now I´m going to share a little piquancy with you. You see, I´ve been growing with you as well because I had to re-write the notes for my pianist, Marek but I did not have enough knowledge of music theory and notes! So I decided to learn the Sibelius program and re-wrote the sheets on PC so now you can see them here. :-) I´m proud of myself, I must say. Soon we´re going to rehearse and prepare for the CD recording. We´re arranging the dates, which is a kind of advanture with all the busy band members! :-) I´ll let you know the results. I wish you to have a calm time...

6 days and 19 hours - 39th day and 160 Roots! We are celebrating with fruits...

Nov 17, 2016

We´ve achieved 101% and we´re slowly preparing for the CD recording. However, today I´m relaxing after all that work. We´re celebrating "Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day" on November 17 with nice fruits.

Will our tree - our society give us the ripe fruits of freedom and responsibility that each of us has to struggle for inside? I trust we achieve it! When we fight against our fears and renew trust, cooperation and we support each other in the best qualities we have inside (regardless of different opinions or grievance), together we overcome each obstacle or challenge. Fingers crossed and I wish you to have a calm, hopeful and healthy day...

7 days remaining - 38th day and 155 Roots! WOW, we´ve reached 100%. A book? Online show?

Nov 16, 2016

WOW, WE´VE REACHED 100%! Sending gratefulness all around the world and many thanks! One week before the end and we have 7,403 Euro! If we gain more, we will realize the book of stories and/or online exhibition. Looking forward to that and thanks a lot! 

We´re growing together and I want to share a picture of our home tomatoes that have been ripening in November after the first snow! They show us it is possible to grow in all conditions. Will our Tree have other new Roots to grow toward hope, respect, good health, understanding and cooperation? Looking forward to you and once again many thanks to all of you. I really appreciate it and I´m aware of the nice and supporting responsibility and pledge. Now RELAX...

I don´t know if I ever gathered tomatoes in a winter sweater... :-)

7 days remaining - 38th day and our tree has 148 Roots! We´ve reached 98%. Milli helps as well...

Nov 16, 2016

We have 7 days remaining and we´ve reached incredible 98%, I´m sending huge thanks to all directions and the wind will deliver them to you! You´re not the only one who helps - even if I ask for support, I also help other projects:

  • Today on November 16th at 5pm CET an opening to the 13th Auction Show ´Artists For The Barriers Account´ takes place at the Charles University, Prague. I donated two of my graphic prints to them to support scholarships for handicapped high school and university students.
  • I pledged the "Melon / Million Collection"  and supported the people with special needs to be able to live an independent life thanks to their helpers.
  • I also pledged the "Social clinic" project - support of those in a crisis who do not have finance to afford to pay the psychotherapy
  • I supported my friend and exceptional musician Marta Töpferová.

I´ll be happy if you decide to buy or recommend following rewards - Milli´s CD, piece of graphicsworkshopsperformance tickets or new reward "2pcs of new CD + Great Aunt´s story + thank you card". If we reach all the sum as soon as possible, we will have some time to reach a bit more to help to realize a book of interesting stories on which we´ve been slowly cooperating with David Kistler, Vera P. Kistler´s son who lives in Alaska. We´re going to write about the Czech Republic, Alaska and South Carolina.

Milli Janatková, Šumava coutryside, piece of graphics - colored linocut, 2014

Milli Janatková, Šumava coutryside, piece of graphics - colored linocut, 2013

Vera P. Kistler (Věra Kistlerová´s) book of fiction written in Czech and drawing of our common Roots with the names of all contributors.

10 days remaining - 35th day! Our tree has 117 Roots! And public events...

Nov 13, 2016

116 Roots and we have 85%! You´re wonderful, thank you! Not only CD, songs and paintings are a part of the project. I would like to show you what kind of public events I´ve been working on. I´ve already presented the "Roots of a Violet" exhibition here. There were also six concerts in 2016: in Mělník, two of them in Volyně, Prague, Dobřichovice, Hradec Králové. Other performances next year! And I´ve not mentioned two events that took place in the Goodbye Gallery in the Malsička Cemetery, Volyně.

There the first public event of the project took place. It was called "Measure Me, Sky", and I sang Vera P. Kistler´s songs there, solo a capella. Then we sang Czech folk songs with the audience, which was really impressive experience. We were aware of the need of interconnection and cooperation and acceptance of Death and finality. I would like to create such atmosphere next time to show us what things and values in life we can appreciate.

"Accept and go on" was a visual happening in the gallery. The topic of continuation our ancestors´ legacy is another topic I perceive as important. To continue the nicest things, values and gifts we can find in our family tree. And now, speaking about values, let´s respect the need of good health and relax... I wish you to have calm and nice days and nights...

Photo Jan Freiberg, Goodbye Gallery (Galerie Na shledanou) 2016

14 days remaining - 31st day! Our tree has 100 Roots! And what more - we have the main partner!

Nov 9, 2016

Many thanks to you all - there are 100 of you who have supported my project - 100 Roots! What more, I have great news. Let me inform you that there is the Main Partner of my "Homage To My Roots" project - my native town Mělník! I really appreciate it because I was born in Mělník, grew up there, listened to my parents´ and Grandma´s stories about our ancestors and about Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler. I was studying there until I was 18, learning foreign languages, enjoyed my first love and lived through my first experience with death. I like going there to visit my family and friends. I started to sing, play the guitar, draw, paint, print my first linocut graphics and teach there. Although I´ve been living in Prague (which is near) I´m always happy to come back to my Roots to enrich my town with my cultural and educational experience - to give something good back. Thank you for such support!

Now we have two weeks to reach the goal together and we will reach it if you help me with the rest of money to gain. I´m more than thankful!

Yesterday´s performance in Mělník was really enjoyable, we all created calm, autumn and also joyful atmosphere, thank you for that!


20 days remaining - 25th day! Our tree has 73 Roots! Today about River and radio...

Nov 3, 2016

Thank you all! We are reaching the 74th Root! Today I will write about Czech Radio Vltava and Proglas Radio that support my project - many thanks for that! My friends wrote to me this afternoon: " Hey, I´m listening to your River on the radio!" You can listen to the "Marching With the River" song HERE (20:37), composed by my Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler. It was the first song we learned with Marek and it´s on the radio even before we started to record the CD! We made this song for the project video promotion so the main work on the compositions will be made in December - January 2017. So I´m happy it´s on air now! The River also reminded me my solo "Transformation" CD launch concert at Jazz Dock Club in 2013 because we used Porto wine and water from Czech "Vltava" river. The name of the Czech Radio station is "Vltava" too. :-)

                                Photo by Jan Přibylský, 2013, Jazz Dock, Praha


                                      Zdenka Studená, Matouš Vlčinský and me

22 days remaining - 23rd day! Half way to the end - you´re 62 Roots contributors!

Nov 1, 2016

Great news! Let me invite you to a wonderful concert in my native town Mělník where we´re going to perform November 8 at 8pm (CET). We will show you not only new pieces with my great colleagues, pianist Marek Novotný and double bassis Petr Tichý! We´ll talk a bit too. We´re looking forward to seeing you there. Many thanks for your pledges, we have 30 percent and I will be happy for other contributors to join. So I´d like to ask you to share my project as much as possible so we manage to realize it together, you´re awesome! I know and trust we´ll manage!

27 days remaining - 18th day and 52 Roots growings with a new drawing for you!

Oct 28, 2016

Yesterday it was October 27 and we had 27 days remaining. I really appreciate all of the contributors of my project. Many thanks! So I created a drawing and water colour sketch. Each of you have one little root. In the Czech Republic we have Bank / Public holiday today, October 28 (Independent Czechoslovak State Day - Creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918) so I wish to all of us anywhere in the world to stay proud of our Roots, qualities and everything nice what our ancestors left us...

30 days remaining - 15th day! 43 Roots growing together...

Oct 24, 2016

I have a great news! As the tickets to the CD launch were sold out, I discussed this with Jazz Dock Club and there are new tickets to sell here! You can get a new CD and Milli´s picture with the entrance ticket! Thank you for your support!

Again many thanks to all of you. I also want to show you a few pics from the Jazz Goes To Town festival. The performance was great, full of people... And let me invite you to my next performance - Solo "Quiet, please!" project in Prague, October 27th, at V.kolona Club.

See the nice atmosphere at the "Homage To My Roots" concert here:

Milli Janatková Trio with Marek Novotný and Petr Tichý, photo © Zuzana Průchová / Artičok

36 days remaining - the 9th day! 33 Roots and Milli has been again an American Nominee!

Oct 18, 2016

Hey everybody,

I´m really glad you are already 33 growing roots in this project and we have 21% now, many thanks to all of you! I also have some news for you. Today I was informed by The Music Resource Group that my Solo "Hormonal" song and three "Transformation" songs arrangements with Marek Novotný have been honored with four nominations for The 15th Independent Music Awards, USA. For the first time I was honored in 2014. I tell you I´m grateful but also know very well that the values of good health and love are higher in my life. :-) And October 20 at 6pm CET Milli Janatková Trio performs with "Homage To My Roots" songs at Jazz Goes To Town festival, Hradec Králové!

39 days remaining - the 6th day! 21 Roots growing!

Oct 16, 2016

Thank you all, the tree is growing with the trunk becoming stronger! Yesterday we had a rehearsal with my colleagues for the Jazz Goes To Town festival (October 20 at 6pm CET in Hradec Králové). I came late as I overslept! The guys were patient and we managed to play and sing all the songs. Petr (double bass) was even jumping and dancing while playing! :-) 

I have beautiful new photos from Jaromír Matoušek (thank you!) from the opening to the "Roots of a Violet" exhibition at the Volyně Town museum. I want to share them with you. The rest you will see HERE. The exhibition shows interesting and inspiring life and creative work of my Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler who went to the USA as a "war bride" and after the Second World War she married an American soldier. The whole story you will see in the "Project" section of this site. I want to share her courage, energy and trust in life and its difficulties that are possible to manage with you.

Let me introduce you our ancestors, my Grandfather (the second from the right), Vera´s mother (the first from the right):

Vera P. Kistler just married in the USA, remembering her Czech roots, 1947.

Vera was publishing her stories n English and she published three books of fiction in Czech in the Czech Republic.

We opened the exhibition in September 17, 2016. It was really nice event with the young and also with the older generation who came to see it.

There was an American soldier in the Second World War uniform at the exhibition, hope he liked it!

And we played and sang Vera P. Kistler´s songs full of hope during the event.

42 days remaining - 3rd day! 13 Roots growing!

Oct 12, 2016

Hey all, I really appreciate all your pledges, it´s impressive for me! I´m happy my project is growing and we all together with it - at this moment you are 13 small roots of a huge tree! :-) Soon I´ll post here some new small surprise for you all. And what more, I want to show you the "Roots of a Violet" exhibition poster. I was working hard on this "Homage To My Roots" exhibition and you can see my Geat Aunt Vera´s life story and creative work there at the Town Museum, Volyně, Czech Republic. Not only Vera´s courage, faith and hope inspired me and I want to inspire you with it, too. There is also the first picture by Josef Pecka from the opening to the exhibition concert with great colleague Marek Novotný. 

Welcome greeting and 4 - 5 little Roots!

Oct 10, 2016

Welcome here and many thanks for the first pledges! At this moment I have 44 days and 4 supporters! Admit to be nervous a while before I published my project and story here. About the project: in a few days we have a rehearsal with my colleagues for the nice gig in Hradec Králové Jazz Goes To Town Festival! I wish you to have nice days with the roots firmly in the ground. We´re growin! Now you´re 5 roots to grow!

EUR 8,918
pledged of EUR 7,963


111% completed

193 contributors pledged

Music, Art

Prague, Czech Republic

All or nothing. Project finished on Nov 24, 2016 at 10:00.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 11
    Just support Milli´s project + thanks

    Just support Milli´s project and you will get a good feeling and thanks!

    Reward delivery: in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 5.97
    (CZK 150)
  • sold 25
    Original new album in MP3 format + picture thank you card

    You will get a new album in MP3 format to download and also a thank you card with a signed copied picture by Milli. Some of the pictures you can see HERE. On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement), Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Make yourself or your friends happy. Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! 

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.96
    (CZK 200)
  • remaining 15 from 20
    VIP entrance to Milli´s concert according to your wish + thanks

    VIP entrance to Milli´s concert according to your wish for one person (instead of CD launch concert). You will also get thanks! You can choose Milli Janatková Solo ( "Klid, prosím!") or "Homage To My Roots" with band. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher and thank you card sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.95
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 7
    Original new album in FLAC format + picture thank you card

    You will get a new album in FLAC format in a great quality to download and also a thank you card with a signed copied picture by Milli. On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by  Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement),  Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Make yourself or your friends happy. Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! The picture card will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.95
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 50
    Original new album in CD format signed by Milli + picture thank you card

    You will get a new album in CD format signed by Milli and also a thank you card with a signed copied picture by Milli. Some of the pictures you can see HERE. On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement), Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher and thank you card sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 11.95
    (CZK 300)
  • remaining 4 from 5
    VIP entrance to Milli´s concert + new album in CD format + thanks

    The CD launch concert tickets and also this reward sold out so here you have a new one to get! VIP entrance to Milli´s concert according to your wish for one person (instead of CD launch concert). You will also get a nice thankful message! You can choose Milli Janatková Solo (" Quiet, please!") or "Homage To My Roots" with band. + Original new CD! 
    On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by   Milli (vocal),  Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement),   Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm!  
    Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher and thank you card sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA). 

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.89
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 5 from 5
    2pcs of an original new CD + Great Aunt´s story + thank you card

    I will re-write Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s story for you and will send you a PDF. Vera was a published writer of books of fiction, stories, essays in English and Czech. You will also get 2 beautifully packed new CDs for you and your friends. +   Picture thank you card. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas voucher sent before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (March 2017), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (3,70 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.82
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 8 from 10
    5 pcs of an original new CD of jazz chanson for your clients or friends + thank you card

    5 beautifully packed new CDs for you and your company partners, clients, employees, or for your family, friends and relatives. Give an original present of jazz chanson. On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by  Milli (vocal),  Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement),  Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! Make yourself or your friends happy. You will also get a  picture thank you card by Milli. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas.  Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (3,70 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.73
    (CZK 1,500)
  • remaining 6 from 20
    ‘‘Find your ancestors´ legacy in yourself“ creative workshop

    Workshop with Milli will motivate you to be interested in getting to know and understanding your family and yourself. It is not psychotherapy. By simple communication and understanding along with humor, we will show you different creative possibilities on how to continue your ancestors´ legacy. Materials included in price. Milli has 14 years experience with workshops, leadership and teaching people of various professions, sex, and age. There is no need to have any creative experience nor search experience to be able to continue your family´s legacy. Group half day workshop in Prague (In case of more people we will make small groups). Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Vouchers can be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.63
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 1 from 10
    Original piece of graphics by Milli + new signed album in CD format + thank you card

    Original colored linocut piece of graphics made and signed by Milli and a brand new CD signed with a personal thank you card! You can see Milli´s graphics HERE. You can choose your favorite. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Vouchers and graphics can be sent until Christmas. Please add postage (7,50 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 199.08
    (CZK 5,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    Home concert at your place + new signed CD + Milli´s baked “cotroushe“ pastry

    Home concert taken at your place, garden party, etc. Entertain your freind’s, family, relatives, company clients, and colleagues. It can be arranged to perform  Milli‘s Solo “Quiet, please!“ project or Milli‘s Duo “Homage To My Roots“ project performance. Milli will also bake special old Czech “cotroushe“ pastry so you will just sit, relax, eat this wonderful cake and listen to beautiful music and narration. You will also get a signed new album, and acknowledgment on websites and social media. We will provide sound and technical things depending on the agreement. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. In case the concert is outside of Prague, please add a sum for traveling costs.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 398.17
    (CZK 10,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    Original water colour painting made by Milli according to your wish + new signed CD

    Original water color painting made by Milli just for you! You can choose a motive of the countryside and enjoy the painting at your home, office, or public space. It could be a present for your family or friends. You will get a new signed CD too and we will thank you on the websites, social media, with a possibility to share your logo. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Voucher and painting can be sent until Christmas. Postage for free!

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 477.80
    (CZK 12,000)
  • remaining 2 from 2
    Jazz concert and relax in your company + Milli´s “cotroushe“ pastry + new signed CD + thank you card

    Company concert of excellent musicians Milli, Marek or Petr within your party, team, or building. Relax with nice jazz chanson. Milli will also bake a special old Czech “cotroushe“ pastry so you will just sit back, relax, and eat this wonderful cake, dance and listen to beautiful music and narration. You will also get a signed new album in CD format, a thank you card, acknowledgment on the websites, social media. We will provide sound and technical things depending on the agreement. Make yourself and your colleagues and clients happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Vouchers sent for free. In case the concert is outside of Prague, please add a sum for traveling costs.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 597.25
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 2 from 2
    Milli creates an original oil painting according to your wish + new signed CD + thank you card

    Milli will paint an original oil painting made according to your wishes – countryside, abstract, architecture. Sketches and material included. Support an original musician and artist´s creative work and as a reward you will get a beautiful calming or energizing piece of art for your home, office, public space or as an original present (maximum 150 / 100 centimeters). See Milli´s artwork HERE. You will also get a new signed CD with inscription, a thank you card, personal meeting in Prague, thank you on the websites and social media with an advertisement of your logo. Make yourself and your family, colleagues and clients happy. If you wish, you can have an original gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Personal meeting or sending by post for free.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,194.51
    (CZK 30,000)
  • remaining 1 from 2
    Main partnership + new signed CD + original graphics + poster + CD launch concert + free VIP gigs

    Main partnership of the “Homage To My Roots“ project with you or your company´s name in the CD booklet. Also you will receive promotional materials, like posters and concerts, exhibitions, social media and websites. You will get an original new signed CD with inscription, original piece of graphics – signed colored linocut by Milli, signed poster, free CD launch concert entrance, 33 free entrances (for two persons) to Milli Janatková´s concerts. You can watch Milli Janatková´s video HERE and original art work HERE. Personal meeting or sending postage for free!

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1,313.96
    (CZK 33,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Entrance to the CD launch concert + new signed CD + picture thank you card

    Entrance to the CD launch concert plus a signed CD and a thank you card with a signed copied picture by Milli. Come to the CD launch! After the concert you will be invited backstage, where you will be personally presented with your signed copy of the CD. And as further gratitude, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a glass of wine and some photo moments with us! Venue takes place in Prague, Czech Republic, Jazz Dock Club, April 1st 2017. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.91
    (CZK 500)
  • Sold out!!
    Entrance to the CD launch concert + new signed CD + picture thank you card

    Entrance to the CD launch concert plus a signed CD and a thank you card with a signed copied  picture by Milli. Come to the CD launch! After the concert you will be invited backstage, where you will be personally presented with your signed copy of the CD. And as further gratitude, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a glass of wine and some photo moments with us! Venue takes place in Prague, Czech Republic,  Jazz Dock Club, April 1st 2017. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.91
    (CZK 500)
  • Sold out!!
    Original new album in CD format + “Transformation“ CD

    A few last pieces of the “Transformation“ CD that was honored by four nominations for The Independent Music Awards, USA and two nominations for Tais Awards! You will also get a brand new “Roots“ album! On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement), Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.89
    (CZK 600)
  • Sold out!!
    Original new album in CD format + “Transformation“ CD

    I found last 5 pieces of "Transformation"!
    A few last pieces of the  “Transformation“ CD that was honored by four nominations for The Independent Music Awards, USA and two nominations for Tais Awards! You will also get a brand new “Roots“ album! On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement), Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.89
    (CZK 600)
  • Sold out!!
    VIP entrance to Milli´s concert + new album in CD format + thanks

    VIP entrance to Milli´s concert according to your wish for one person (instead of CD launch concert). You will also get a nice thankful message! You can choose Milli Janatková Solo (" Quiet, please!") or "Homage To My Roots" with band. + Original new CD!
    On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by  Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement),  Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! 
    Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher and thank you card sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Please add postage (2,90 Euro to Europe or USA). 

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.89
    (CZK 600)
  • Sold out!!
    2pcs of an original new CD + Great Aunt´s story + thank you card

    I will re-write Great Aunt  Vera P. Kistler´s story for you and will send you a PDF. Vera was a published writer of books of fiction, stories, essays in English and Czech. You will also get 2 beautifully packed new CDs for you and your friends. +  Picture thank you card. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas voucher sent before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (March 2017), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (3,70 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.82
    (CZK 1,000)
  • Sold out!!
    5 pcs of an original new CD of jazz chanson for your clients or friends + thank you card

    5 beautifully packed new CDs for you and your company partners, clients, employees, or for your family, friends and relatives. Give an original present of jazz chanson. On the album you will hear Milli´s Great Aunt Vera P. Kistler´s songs performed by Milli (vocal), Marek Novotný (piano, arrangement), Petr Tichý (double bass), Tomáš Vokurka (drums). Songs are full of hope, emotion, calmness, and rhythm! Make yourself or your friends happy. You will also get a picture thank you card by Milli. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas.  Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. Please add postage (3,70 Euro to Europe or USA).

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 59.73
    (CZK 1,500)
  • Sold out!!
    Home concert at your place + new signed CD + Milli´s baked “cotroushe“ pastry

    Home concert taken at your place, garden party, etc. Entertain your freind’s, family, relatives, company clients, and colleagues. It can be arranged to perform Milli‘s Solo “Quiet, please!“ project or Milli‘s Duo “Homage To My Roots“ project performance. Milli will also bake special old Czech “cotroushe“ pastry so you will just sit, relax, eat this wonderful cake and listen to beautiful music and narration. You will also get a signed new album, and acknowledgment on websites and social media. We will provide sound and technical things depending on the agreement. Make yourself or your friends happy. If you wish, you can have an original Christmas gift voucher sent to your family and friends before Christmas. Then after the CD is recorded and finished (January through March), it will be sent to you by post. In case the concert is outside of Prague, please add a sum for traveling costs.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 398.17
    (CZK 10,000)