This Privacy Policy ("Policy") is an integral part of the business terms and conditions of Hithit s.r.o., with registered office in Prague 4 - Chodov, Türkova 2319/5b, ZIP 149 00, registered at the Municipal Court in Prague, section C, insert 88662 (as "Hithit" hereinafter).

This Policy describes how Hithit collects, uses and makes accessible, i.e. how the company handles your personal data in the relation to the website run by Hithit at address (as "Portal" hereinafter) and to the services provided by Hithit through the Portal (as "Services" hereinafter). Hithit collects only such personal data which make it possible for the company to provide you with the Services required.

Hithit can modify and amend this Policy at any time by uploading a revised version to the Portal, whereas such change will come into effect as of the day of the upload.

Within the providing of Services, YouTube services may be used. Terms and Privacy Policy of YouTube services are accessible at:

Personal data collected by Hithit

For the creation of your account for using Services provided by Hithit at the Portal (as "registration" hereinafter), Hithit requires that you provide the following personal data:

name, surname, date of birth, e-mail address, and your phone number.

In case that an account is created with the purpose of a registration of a project, Hithit further requires, apart from the above stated information, the following data: mailing address, bank account number.

The data relating to you bank account are intended solely for the transfer of finances for the project you registered; the company will not disclose this data to anyone. Hithit undertakes to use this information for the creation of your account, for account management, and for ensuring you access to the Service and its updates. Your approval to the processing of your personal data is required at the registration of the Service. You can recall this approval at any time by sending an e-mail to the Hithit e-mail address stating your name, surname and address for your identification.

When using the Portal, even without registration, Hithit will record your IP address and further standard data as your browser type, and pages which you displayed at the Portal. This information serves for monitoring purposes and to prevent any frauds, for problem diagnostics, and for the processing of statistical data which are anonymous and do not state you personal data.

Handling personal data

The data you provide within the registration process or during browsing at the Portal will be used by Hithit only to the stated purposes, and further solely to the following purposes:

(i) accepting your request for a Service, i.e. especially for the processing of your data intended for the exchange between the user and the project author in case of successful project financing;

(ii) to enhance the quality of the Service provided and of the Portal;

(iii) to contact you with the purpose of solving eventual issues relating to the use of the Service or Portal;

(iv) for sending information about the Service, among others confirmations, notifications, updates, and supporting and administrative announcements;

(v) for sending announcements about products and services and events organized by Hithit;

(vi) and for facilitating the use of the Portal, so that you are able to enter less data.

Your personal data will be maintained by Hithit for the validity period of your account, and for a maximum of 5 years after the account is cancelled.

If not stated differently within this Policy, Hithit does not without your express consent rent or sell any personally identifiable data collected through the Portal or Service, nor does Hithit share these with other persons or unaffiliated companies, with the following exceptions:

  • providing this data to independent suppliers, advisers and other service providers which cooperate with Hithit and which need the access to your data in order to be able to exert this activity;
  • to comply with legal provisions or in reaction to requirements of legal provisions;
  • protection of rights and property of company Hithit, its representatives, users, and other persons, especially with the purpose of enforcing its contracts, policies and user terms and conditions, and in emergency cases for the protection of own safety of company Hithit, users of its services or of any other person;
  • in relation with any fusion, selling of the company's property, financing or acquiring all or a part of the Hithit business by another company, or during the course of such process.

Without your consent, Hithit on principle does not make personal data collected through the Internet accessible to third persons for the purposes of direct marketing. If you with to recall this consent at any time after it was granted, inform Hithit about this using its e-mail address

By setting the relevant preferences in your account, you can refuse receiving certain e-mail advertising announcements from Hithit. If you refuse this, Hithit will send you other than advertising e-mails, e.g. information about your account or about current business relations of Hithit.

Project authors will receive your data, specifically your name, surname, address, and e-mail address only in the case when the project to which you invested your finances is financed successfully. Project authors are bound by a contact concluded between Hithit and the project authors not to misuse personal data of users, i.e. that they will not use the data to any other purposes than which are expressly stated in their registered projects.

Your account management, data updates, deleting an account

As part of account administration, you can update or correct your data, or eventually delete your account. If an account is deleted, Hithit reserves the right to maintain necessary data about such users of the Service who have violated against the business terms and conditions or whose accounts were cancelled by Hithit due to their repeated misuse of the Services.

Security measures and communicating personal data

The account of each user of the Service is protected by password which you choose yourself. We recommend to keep the password secret and not to disclose it to any third persons, not even through an eventual e-mail that would ask for your password. Hithit does not send to its users any e-mail messages containing a requirement to enter the password into an e-mail. If a user forgets his or her password, the user, upon request, receives to his or her e-mail address stated during registration a temporary password to allow access to his or her account where the user then chooses a new password.

Hithit cannot be held responsible for any misuse of provided data which would be caused as the result of an unauthorized access by a third person or during data transmission within communication networks. The user acknowledges that data provided on the Internet, e.g. in a discussion forum, chat or e-mail, can be misused by third persons. Please, take due care when communicating data through the Internet.

Hithit maintains your personal data in line with the highest security standards using a broad range of security measures including encoding and verification tools in order to avoid any unauthorized access, modification, disclosure, or destruction of your personal data, and to keep them in secrecy. Your personal data are protected by firewalls, and are accessible only to a limited number of persons who are obliged to keep these data confidential.

In spite of this effort on the part of Hithit, 100% security of data transmitted through the public Internet network cannot be guaranteed. Your personal data can be for example affected by events beyond control of Hithit as are hackers' activities or physical theft. You acknowledge that you provide your personal data at your own risk.

Cookies and Internet beacons

In order for Hithit to be able to provide services adapted to your needs, it uses so called cookies (session ID cookies and permanent cookies) to record and occasional monitoring of your visits to the Portal. Cookie is a small text file which is saved in your computer for recording purposes. Hithit uses cookies to facilitate your navigation through the Portal. When your computer is shut down, the validity of the session ID cookie is void. A permanent cookie stays on your hard drive for a longer time. To enhance displaying performance of the Portal, Hithit also records the resolution of your display and finds out if JavaScript is enabled in your browser. The majority of Internet browsers is set to automatically accept cookies. You can usually remove or disable Cookies by following instructions in the help file for your Internet browser. However, if you remove cookies, you may not be able to fully use all aspects of the Portal or the Service. You can change your cookie consent settings here.

Hithit can collect data when using the Portal also with the use of Internet beacons. These beacons are electronic pictures which can be used in the Portal in connection with the Services, or in an e-mail sent by Hithit. The company uses beacons to transfer cookies, for counting the number of visits, and to inform you whether an e-mail was opened and processed. Hithit can also collect information about your computer or another access equipment to reduce the risks and to prevent eventual frauds.


Send you questions relating to the protection of personal data or notifications about infringements of rights by e-mail to the following address of Hithit:

Hithit s.r.o. Privacy Policy v.1

Effective date: 20.11.2012