Contact us

Would you just like to send us a greeting, eventually give us some suggestions for improvements of Hithit? Send us an e-mail, use our social network contacts, or call us directly.

Didn't you receive your reward yet? Not sure what shipping address you provided? Contact the authors directly via the I have a question form in the Questions and Answers tab directly on the project page.

Karolína Baňková

Head adviser
Phone+420 778 738 664

Denisa Čermáková

PR specialist
Phone+420 778 886 370

Barbora Hančíková

Phone+420 778 779 927

Hithit, s.r.o.
Türkova 2319/5b
149 00 Praha 4 – Chodov
Czech Republic
VAT ID: CZ26706784

The company is registered in the Business Register kept by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number C 88662.