Podpořte nezávislé noviny, které pro vás Petr Placák s přáteli připravuje již 25 let! Díky vaší pomoci Babylon získá nový web i tištěnou podobu a bude vám i nadále přinášet kvalitní a nezávislé texty. Bez vás to nepůjde...
Autor: Petr Placák
"BOHEMIAN FROM BOHEMIA" I am a writer for fiction poetry play essay in German, Czech and English. My home is the Bohemian Paradise Planet. ♥ ♥ my web: http://www.BohemianParadiseProductions.com ::: to purchase my favorite T-Shirt also by: www.MilenaOda.com // http://www.BohemianParadisePress.com ::: my performances, readings, travels on videos in English, German and Czech on my YoutubeChanel: http://www.youtube.com/user/milenaoda my BLOG in English about my stay in the USA: http://milenaoda.blogspot.com/ ::: Frank Ferrante invited me to his Radio Talkshow, New York, November 2011: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/lugaduga/2011/11/28/frank-talk-with-frank-ferrante-to-live-and-grow-up-in-germ ::: my other blog in German and Czech: www.MilenaOda.wordpress.com 2011 came out: The Debut Novel: "Nennen Sie mich Diener" /in English Please Call Me Servant/ Verlag SchumacherGebler Dresden, 2011 BUCH KAUFEN BEI: www.MilenaOda.com Oder: www.verlag.schumachergebler.de BUCHTRAILER ZUM ROMAN/ Bo
http://WRITER: http://www.MILENAODA.COM & http://www.bohemianparadisepress.com