Hi everyone!! Thank you again for your support!!
Kindly be patient as I am sending out orders, I am a bit behind but will send your treasures as soon as I am able! I haven't forgotten (; Can't wait for you to receive them!
Love, Allison
Winterspring je debutové album Allison Wheeler obsahující originální skladby a aranže. Album vyjde 29. července 2022 pod britským labelem Ubuntu Music. Pomozte nám dotáhnout to do konce!
Autor: Allison Wheeler
Hi everyone!! Thank you again for your support!!
Kindly be patient as I am sending out orders, I am a bit behind but will send your treasures as soon as I am able! I haven't forgotten (; Can't wait for you to receive them!
Love, Allison
Jste užásni. Máme tady na konec 101%!! Srdečně děkujeme vám za podpora a pomoc!
Moc se těšíme na zítra (výjde album) a dřív posílam věci a víc informace o čem, co jste koupili od nás!
Tady je video, kde se bojím mluvit česky ale mluvím pro vás :D
Děkujeme moc!!!!
s láskou, Allison a kapela
My lyric video for "winterspring" was chosen as video of the day today! We are suuuper honored to receive this news. Check it out!
Hi everyone!
The second single "Ophelia" is officially released!
This one features a beautiful string arrangement by my good friend & talented composer Jonathan Zuniga.
Out on streaming platforms now.. I'd love if you took some time today to listen! (:
Love, Allison
On June 17th, released the first single & title track "winterspring" . This one holds a special place in my heart and was the first song on the album to be written! It's part of the reason I chose it for the album's title. You can watch the lyric video here, or stream it on your favorite platform, link below (: